Chapter One Hundred

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Special dedication to NaraAzara for helping me with those chapter

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Special dedication to NaraAzara for helping me with those chapter

           ━━━━━━━༺ - ༻━━━━━━━


A particular dragon was planning to strike against the Lions after winning the support of the Golden Company along with King Balon Greajoy, which came with a price. In return, he would have to marry Yara Greajoy and make her his queen, which he had reluctantly accepted. With his growing army, He was even more determined to sail to Westeros now. His Dragon, Baelrion, was strong and big enough to ride. Yet, he found himself facing obstacles in the way that was keeping him from taking the Iron Throne.

There was still the matter of Euron Greajoy to worry about, for rumor has it the Kraken has been sailing through the lands of Old Valyria looking for a dragon blinder. This magical object could control dragons without having to be bonded to them. Then came the other issue of his aunt and niece, who refused to support him and accept him as the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

"Those god-forsaken women think they can rule!? The last time a weakling sat on the Iron throne, the realm was plunged into chaos.", he mumbled.

"Do not fear, brother dearest; they will come to accept you in the end.", replied his sister, Maenerys.

A black-haired beauty, she was renowned more for her wits than her looks. Every nobleman had dreamed of getting into her bed, but none of them would last long in between her thighs.

" I don't think Lady Elaena and Lady Daenerys will be accepting your terms any time soon, your grace; it appears that their arrogance has blinded them to the presence of the one true ruler," Jon said.

" A letter has arrived from the claimed Queens," Harry said, passing the letter to his king.

Young Griff quickly took the parchment from Harry; opening the seal, he began to read what his aunt and niece had inscribed on it.

Maenerys opened the scroll, her lips thinning at the message.

To Lord Aegon Blackfyre, the False Dragon

After much discussions with our council, I, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, first of my name, Rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Six Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen and the Breaker of Chains, along with my niece Elaena Icefyre of House Targaryen and Stark, first of her name, the Azor Ahai Reborn, Queen of the North, Lady of Winterfell, Protector of the North, the Mother of Dragons, Lady of Casterly Rock, Queen Regent of Meereen, and Breaker of chains hereby decline your request for our support and your hand in matrimony. With our insights from our travels, we have discovered that your claims are based on fallacies and delusions of dragonhood. We cannot ensure our safety with a Blackfyre on the throne, not to mention your rather grim repute among the common folk of the Bay of Dragons.

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