Chapter 7

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"Hey Katie!" Luke said as we made our way into the kitchen.

I waved to him as the smell of whatever he was making wafted towards me.

"Whatever that is, it smells amazing," I told him.

"Thanks," he grinned, "and sorry about uh, you know, sorry about Spencer being here."

"Seriously, you both need to stop apologizing," I said as I waved my hand dismissively, "I promise you it's not a big deal."

"I know," Emily chimed in, "but I know it was awkward for you."

"Most of my life is awkward Em," I grinned, "I'm used to it."

"Right there with you," she said with a laugh.

"So what are you making us?" I asked Luke, turning my attention back to whatever the delicious smell was.

"Surf and turf," he said proudly, "steak and shrimp."

"Damn, you're going all out huh? I can't wait now," I said.

"It was my request," Emily said, "you're welcome."

I looked at her and smiled before I felt a yawn coming on and tried to hide it.

"What were you up so late for last night?" Emily asked me.

"Oh I - nothing really, just watching TV," I said.

Emily gave me a weird look, clearly sensing that it was something else that had kept me awake. Thankfully she moved on and didn't seem to think too much of it.

We sat at the kitchen table and talked for a few minutes while Luke was cooking, but my phone vibrating in my pocket started to distract me.

I took it out and tried to discretely read the message that I had.

"Okay good, glad we can keep talking :) I would've been bored."

"Kind of sad if I'm your only source of entertainment you know :)" I sent back.

Apparently the smile that I had when I was reading and responding wasn't very discrete, because Emily noticed right away.

"What are you grinning at over there?" She asked me.

I quickly set my phone face down on the table and looked up at her.

"Um..." I trailed off.

"Okay what's going on with you? I know you're not trying to hide something from me," Emily grinned.

"I'm not, but uh -" my eyes flitted over to Luke who was working at the stove and had his back to us.

Emily followed my gaze and nodded.

"We can talk later?" I said as I quietly as I could.

"Hey babe," Emily said to Luke.

"Yeah?" He responded as he turned to look at her.

"We're going to go sit in the living room while you get dinner ready, you don't need anything do you?" She asked.

"No all good," Luke said, "I'll let you know when it's ready."

"Perfect," she said as she stood up and motioned me towards the other room.

Damn it, guess I was going to have to tell her now. I told Emily pretty much everything, but I was still feeling weird...and a little embarrassed, about all of this.

We both sat down on the couch and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"Alright, you going to spill now or what?" She asked.

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