Chapter 17

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After being so hesitant about everything with Chloe, I had no idea what had gotten into me. It was like once I got a taste, I had to go back for more.

I felt a brief moment of hesitation between us before Chloe began to lean into the kiss. I turned my chair to face her and she put her hand on one of the arm rests next to me.

Her fingertips slowly trailed across my jaw and down to my neck before she stopped and held on to the side of it.

I put my hand on top of hers on the arm rest and grabbed on to her wrist. As the kiss deepened, a spark seemed to ignite between us that I hadn't felt in a long time.

For a brief moment, everything around us faded away as her intoxicating scent and the feeling of her lips on mine took over.

Unfortunately, the realization quickly came crashing over me that we were still sitting in my office.

I wanted nothing more than to keep going, but I reluctantly pulled my lips away from Chloe's. Her face remained close to mine as we met each other's gazes again.

"That's not why I asked you to stay, I promise," Chloe said quietly.

I laughed as I leaned my forehead against hers, and I felt her hand drop from my neck.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked her.

"Positive," she grinned.

"I'm not sure that I believe that, but it worked out pretty well either way," I said.

She smirked at me as she brought her lips back to mine again.

"Chloe..." I said in between kisses, "we shouldn't be doing this here."

"I know," she sighed as she gently kissed down the side of my neck, "I just wanted a couple more minutes before I forced myself to stop."

She finally pulled herself away from me as she stood up and straightened out her shirt.

"Anyway," she said as she cleared her throat, "where were we?"

I laughed again as I put my face in my hand and shook my head.

"I'm not sure honestly," I told her, "I got a little distracted."

"Can't imagine why," she said under her breath.

We eventually figured out what we had been trying to work on, and got back to finishing the project. It was extremely hard to focus after what had just happened, but we both did our best.

I'm not convinced that we actually got the work done correctly with how distracted we were...but hey, we tried.

We wrapped things up about an hour later and Chloe came over to my office as we got ready to leave.

"Ready?" She asked.

I nodded as I stood up from my desk and grabbed my things. Even though we had basically made out less than an hour ago, I was still feeling a little awkward.

The whole situation was just weird, but after that kiss, there was no doubt that there was something between us.

We walked out to our cars and both awkwardly paused before we said goodbye.

"So this is still kinda weird, isn't it?" Chloe asked me with a grin.

"Sure is," I said.

"Well maybe you won't mind staying late now," she grinned as she got into her car and waved.

Damn, got me there.

I got to my car and of course had to call Emily right away.

"Hey Katie, what's -"

"Chloe and I kissed," I blurted out, cutting her off.

"I'm sorry, you did what now?" She asked.

"We kissed, I - I'm not even sure how it happened," I said.

"Okay I'm going to need a few more details," Emily responded.

"I know," I laughed, "still kind of trying to wrap my head around it."

"Well please do that faster so I can hear what happened," Emily said.

"Damn Em," I said with a laugh, "okay so she asked me to stay late tonight, like actually asked if I could, which was nice."

"Wow, that is a change," she said.

"Right?" I agreed, "but anyway, she was in my office showing me a few things on my computer, and it just kind of - I don't know it just kind of happened."

"She kissed me and then pulled back and said she was sorry," I continued, "I think she thought I was going to freak out."

"Yeah I'm kind of surprised you didn't," Emily said.

"Me too honestly," I responded, "I don't know what got into me but - well I grabbed her and we kissed again."

"Damn, look at you go!" Emily said proudly, "I'm glad you're giving it a chance."

"Yeah I mean, the kiss was good, I'm not going to lie, but it's still a lot to figure out," I said, "still feels a little uncomfortable, you know?"

"Oh yeah I'm sure," Emily agreed, "sure sounds like you're wanting to try and figure it out though after the way you just talked about that kiss."

"I - okay yeah, maybe," I admitted.

"I'm not surprised though honestly," Emily said, "I had a feeling that something would still happen between the two of you."

"Yeah I wasn't so sure," I sighed, "but maybe you're right."

"It kind of seems like I am," Emily said.

"Okay true," I laughed, "but like I said, still a lot to figure out."

"Fair," she agreed, "you'll be good though."

"Well thanks for the vote of confidence," I said, "but we'll see."

"Yeah just make sure you keep me updated, you know the drill," Emily said.

"Oh I will," I responded.

"Oh and Katie," she said, "don't be too awkward about this, I know how you get."

"Thank you for that," I laughed, "and yes I know you're not wrong."

"I know," Emily said, "okay I have to go though, we'll talk soon."

"Later Em," I said before we both hung up.

I sighed as I pulled into my driveway, and I realized that I had been daydreaming about that kiss. There was no doubt that it was a damn good one, and it was making me want more.


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