Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning and already felt a sense of excitement for our movie night. I'm not sure if I would exactly call it a date, but it was as close as we were going to get for the time being.

When I checked my phone, I realized that I didn't have a message yet. She almost always beat me to the punch in the morning, but I guess I was more on top of it for once today.

"Morning, excited for tonight :)" I sent.

Before I set it down to go shower, it went off in my hand.

"Me too! Thought of what movie to watch yet?"

"Damn I didn't know I had to make that decision," I sent back.

"I'll be nice and let you choose, wouldn't want to scare you or anything ;)"

"Oh aren't you just soooo funny?" I asked.

"I did think it was a pretty good one if you ask me," she said.

"Mmhmm...well choosing the movie is a lot of pressure, I'm not sure I can handle that on my own," I sent.

I finally set my phone down and went to get ready.

I knew work was going to go by slow today, and I tried to prepare myself for it.

I checked my messages one last time before going in to the office, and I had one waiting for me.

"If it's too much pressure for you, I do have an idea for a movie."

"All you, let's hear it," I sent before putting my phone in my purse.

I walked inside and said hi to Chloe as I went by. She briefly looked up from her phone and waved. Before I made it into my office, I stopped and backtracked a few steps so I was standing in her doorway.

"Hey Chloe," I said.

"Hm?" She looked up at me.

"I um, thanks, for not making me stay late last night," I said, "I appreciate it."

"Sure," she responded with a nod.

It was hard to get a read on her expression, but I nodded back and awkwardly walked to my desk. We'd see if her somewhat better mood continued the next time that people had to stay late or she needed something done.


Saying that my day went by slow would've been an understatement, I felt like 5:00 would never come.

When it finally did, I all but ran out of the office. It was Friday, so I would've been eager to go home either way, but I had extra motivation today.

I knew that we didn't have anything planned until 7:30, but I still wanted to get home. I checked my phone as I walked towards my car, and read the most recent message that had come through.

"Have you seen the movie Ammonite?"

I narrowed my eyes at my screen and tried to think if that name sounded familiar. I didn't think that I'd ever even heard of it.

I got into my car and googled the name of the movie.

"Your choice is really about an old paleontologist? You must know something that I don't :)" I responded.

"I might, you'll just have to trust me," she sent.

"That's a tough ask from someone that you've only 'known' for a couple of weeks...and I use that term lightly ;)" I said.

I put my phone down and drove home before checking it again.

"Ha, okay that's fair...but you should do it anyway!" She responded.

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