Chapter 22

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Our lips came crashing together as the sexual tension between us reached its boiling point.

Chloe's thumb trailed along my chin and to my jaw as she took a hold of the side of my face. I grasped on to her thigh as I felt the kiss beginning to intensify.

She got up on to her knees and put them on either side of my lap as she leaned over top of me. I put my hands on the back of her legs as our tongues began to tangle together.

I could feel a heat building up from deep inside of me, and Chloe was only making it rise to the surface that much faster.

She tilted my head to the side as she began to slowly kiss down my neck. She nipped and sucked at the sensitive skin on her way down, before her mouth made its way back to mine.

Her kisses were tantalizingly slow, and they did nothing but make me want more.

She kept one hand on my face as I felt the other slide along the fabric at the bottom of my shirt. Her fingertips barely grazed the bare skin underneath of it, and it sent a chill through my body.

She placed her hand on my hip and began to push my shirt up to expose more of my skin.

"Chloe," I said breathlessly when she momentarily pulled back.

"What?" She asked, "do you not want to - ?"

"No I um, it's just been a while," I said as I felt my cheeks turn red, "I was dating a guy for a while before know what I mean."

"I do, and you'll be fine," Chloe smirked.

"Take it easy on me," I said.

Chloe laughed quietly before her lips came back to mine.

"I don't think I can do that," she said.

She continued to push my shirt up until she grabbed on to the bottom of it and lifted it over my head. I raised my arms up and let her take it all of the way off before she tossed it aside.

Her lips grazed across the base of my neck and down to my collarbone as her hand slid under the cup of my bra. I leaned my head back and a quiet moan escaped my lips as her fingertips found my nipple.

She took her other hand and reached behind me, fumbling to find the clasp. I leaned forward as she finally unhooked it and pulled it off over my arms.

My hands found the bottom of her shirt and I grasped it tightly as her lips continued to explore. They lightly brushed back up my neck and to my jaw.

She put her hands on top of mine, gently coaxing me to pull her shirt off. I dropped it on the couch next to me as my eyes took in her partially naked body leaning over top of me.

Jesus Christ she was gorgeous.

I took her face in my hands, bringing it closer to me as her eyes met mine and I could see the fire behind her dark gaze.

I reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear before holding on to the back of her head, my focus never straying from the intent look that she gave me.

I brought her mouth back to mine, pausing when our lips were only inches away. It felt like neither of us wanted to make the next move as we savored the feeling between us.

I placed a slow, gentle kiss on her lips as my hands moved to the straps of her bra and pulled them down over her shoulders.

I reached around to her back and unhooked it, taking it the rest of the way off and tossing it aside. I grabbed her hips as I slowly kissed down the center of her chest.

When I leaned back against the couch, Chloe brought herself back over top of me and pressed her lips firmly against mine.

I draped my arms around her neck as I felt her hands grab on to the waistband of my jeans and unbutton them. I raised my hips up to allow her to slide them off and I kicked them on to the floor.

Her lips pulled away slightly as her eyes locked on mine. She slipped her hand beneath the fabric on my underwear, and I grabbed on to the back of her neck in anticipation.

Her fingers slowly made their way in between my folds, and a small groan escaped my mouth. I lifted my head up and tried to kiss her, but she teasingly kept her lips just out of reach any time I got close.

She began to circle around my clit and my mouth fell open with a breathy moan. I felt a finger push inside of me as Chloe intently watched my reaction.

My hand slid up from her neck to the back of her head as I grasped a handful of her hair. She began to pulse her finger in and out, her gaze never leaving mine.

The way that she was looking at me was making this even hotter, if that was even possible at this point. It was like she wanted to watch every second of pleasure that she was causing me to have.

I felt her breath against my lips as she inserted a second finger and began to move faster.

"Chloe," I moaned, "shit."

I put one of my hands down on the couch next to me and my fingernails dug into the cushions as I felt the heat rapidly building up inside of me.

Her hand continued to speed up, then slow down, keeping me on my toes and never reaching a consistent motion.

The pace of her fingers started to grow more and more rapid as her thumb began to rub over top of my clit.

I wanted nothing more than to kiss her as I grew closer to my climax, but she continued to hover her lips over top of mine, only allowing them to graze across momentarily.

I arched my back up and leaned into her hand, knowing that I wouldn't last much longer. She watched me as my eyes fluttered shut and I moaned loudly.

She finally gave me what I wanted, leaning in to a deep kiss as an orgasm came over my body. Her lips stifled the sound of my moans as my hips worked in unison with her pulsing fingers.

She gradually slowed down as I came down from my high and she continued to kiss me. I put my arms back around her neck as I tried to catch my breath.

Chloe slowly leaned back and looked down at me again as a smirk spread across her face.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while," she said.


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