Chapter 20

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Once Emily and Luke left, I sat back down on the couch and opened the message from Spencer. I typed a response, and then deleted it, and kept repeating the pattern.

I didn't really want to see him, but part of me felt bad not hearing whatever he had to say.

"I'm not sure, what are you wanting to talk about?" I finally sent.

"Just want to catch up, and apologize," he responded.

"Damn it," I said under my breath.

"Alright, fine," I sent back.

"Thanks, drinks some night this week?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, just let me know when," I sent.

I sighed as I set my phone down and laid back on the couch. I wasn't sure if this was going to be a good idea or not, but hopefully I could just get it over with.


At work on Monday, I had a hard time not thinking about the kisses that Chloe and I had shared the other night. Every time I saw her, I wanted to kiss her again.

I guess that was sort of a good problem to have, but not quite so much when it was my boss that I kept fantasizing about.

"Hey," I said as I stepped into Chloe's office that afternoon, "you want to know what sucks?"

"Hi," she grinned, "and what sucks?"

I shut the door behind me and sighed as I looked over at her.

"It sucks that it's frowned upon to kiss your boss while you're at work," I said, "because that's kind of all I can think about today."

Chloe raised her eyebrows as she stood up from her desk and walked towards me.

"You know that's not a very nice thing to say when I really can't do anything about it," she responded.

"I know," I shrugged, "but I can't help it."

Chloe took another step towards me and she put her hand on the side of my face. She leaned in and gave me a quick, but fiery kiss.

When she pulled away, I gave her a surprised look.

"That was - you just - " I stuttered, unable to form a complete sentence.

"Hm?" Chloe said with a smirk, "not sure what you're trying to say."

"I - you're trouble," I finally managed to get out.

"I did tell you that I'd never try to say that I was innocent," she responded as she leaned against the edge of her desk.

"That's true..." I agreed, "and very accurate."

"Tried to warn you," she shrugged.

"I'll take my chances," I said with a grin as I opened the door.

I walked back over to my office and tried to focus on my work for the day, but it wasn't easy.


I got another text from Spencer a few days later, and he asked if I'd be able to meet for a drink that night. I still didn't want to, but I had already agreed to it.

I walked in to the office that morning and was avoiding texting him back, I'm not sure why I was delaying the inevitable.

I was looking at my phone and kept staring at the text from Spencer, when Chloe's voice caught me off guard.

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