Chapter 8

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"Alright, dinner is ready come on," Emily said as she walked back into the living room.

I put my phone back in my pocket and followed her into the kitchen.

"Hey wait," I said before we got too far.

Emily stopped and turned to face me, "yeah?"

"Please don't mention this to anyone else, okay?" I asked, "like especially not Luke."

Emily gave me a confused look at first, but she nodded.

"I won't, but you know he wouldn't care, right?" She said.

"I know, but -" I sighed, "with him and Spencer being such good friends I..."

"No you're right, I get it," Emily said.

"Thanks," I said before we continued walking into the kitchen.

I took my phone out and quickly checked it before we started eating.

"I'm actually pretty relieved to see you say that, I was kind of wondering how you were feeling."

"I probably wouldn't stay up so late talking if I wasn't enjoying it," I sent back.

When I put my phone away and looked up, I caught Emily grinning at me. I tried to hide my smile as I shook my head at her.

Luke brought our plates over, and the dinner he made looked and smelled amazing.

"Luke, you're spoiling us," I said, "this looks so good."

"I'd hope so, it is what I went to school for," he said as he grinned and joined us at the table.

"Don't get too full of yourself," Emily said as she playfully hit his arm, "we haven't tried it yet."

The dinner was of course, delicious, and we enjoyed it as we sat and talked at the table. Once we were done, we helped Luke clean everything up before Emily and I went back into the living room.

Luke was going out to meet a few of his friends, so we had the house to ourselves.

"Okay so I'm not done with this dating app conversation," Emily said as we sat down.

"Oh come on," I groaned.

"Are you going to meet this mysterious person?" She asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "we've literally been talking for like two or three days."

"No I know," Emily said, "but I mean eventually."

"I haven't thought that far ahead," I admitted, "I mean maybe after we talk for a while if we both wanted to but - I don't know."

" got this just to talk to someone through a phone and not take it any further?" Emily asked.

"Maybe...don't judge me," I grinned, "But I'm sure I would consider meeting her, it would just be a while before I'm ready for that."

"That's fair," Emily said, "I was just curious."

"So far it's been weirdly nice to talk to someone who is basically a stranger to be honest," I said, "and I'm good with that for now."

"Fair again," she nodded, "definitely seems like you're good with it with how much I've seen you smiling at your phone."

"Okay so should I leave now? Or...?" I jokingly asked Emily.

"Fine I'm done," Emily laughed as she put her hands up innocence, "but it has been a while since you've checked it...just saying."

"Oh so now you just want to sit here and watch me while I message her, huh?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

"I didn't necessarily mean that," she said, "but it is pretty cute."

I rolled my eyes at her, but I realized she was right and I grabbed my phone to read the message that had popped up.

"I guess that's true, but I do still feel obligated to remind you that there are much better reasons to be kept up late."

"You're quite the smooth talker, huh?" I sent her.


Emily's voice pulled me out of my trance and I looked up at her.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"I still think you've kind of got it bad already," she said as she grinned at me.

"What? No I don't!" I said defensively, "It's fun...that's all."

"If you say so," Emily said as she gave me a side eyed glance.

I stayed at Emily's for a while longer as I continued to talk to her and the girl on the other end of my phone.

A couple of hours later, I got up and was getting ready to leave.

"Okay, keep me updated on your new friend," Emily grinned.

"I suppose I can do that," I said, "see you later."

I had planned on just going to bed when I got home, but my phone distracted me yet again as I continued reading my messages.

"I guess I kind of can be a smooth talker, but if this is you telling me that I'm charming...I'll take it :)"

I smiled as I laid down in bed and responded.

"I don't think that's what I was trying to say, but if the shoe fits..."

"I think that was you admitting it, or I'm going to tell myself that it was," she responded.

"Hey whatever lets you sleep at night ;)" I sent back.

It was definitely at least a little bit easier to sound like I knew what I was doing over text. At least I wasn't as shy as I would be if this was in person.

"Okay, my turn for another somewhat personal question," she said.

The message thankfully didn't make my stomach turn as much as it did the first time she had asked.

"I'm ready for it," I responded.

"Would you ever meet someone in person that you're talking to on here? I don't mean right now of course, just if you ever would," she asked.

Well now my stomach was starting to turn. I don't know why I had never really considered the answer to this question before, it was clearly a logical step when you met someone online.

I thought about it for a few minutes before responding.

"I think I would, but yeah it might take me a while to feel comfortable enough to do that."

"Damn, so I guess we can't meet and run off together quite yet? ;)" she sent.

I shook my head as I smiled at my phone screen.

"You'll have to work a little harder to get that far," I told her.

"Noted, I'll be trying my best," she responded.

"Can't wait :) but hey I probably shouldn't stay up quite so late tonight, I'm going to go to sleep pretty soon," I said.

"No worries," she responded.

I set my phone down on my nightstand and got settled down into bed. I heard it go off and checked it one more time before I fell asleep.

"Sweet dreams :)"


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