Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning still riding the high from the night before, it was a good feeling.

I grabbed my phone and was planning on calling Emily to fill her in, but I had a message that I wanted to check first.

"Recovered from that movie last night yet?"

"I'm honestly not sure, might have to watch it again...or maybe just watch a few certain scenes," I responded.

I called Emily before any other notifications came up, and I was excited to tell her about my night.

"Morning Katie," she answered.

"Hey, had to call and tell you about my night last night," I said.

"Oh yeah? What did you do?" She asked.

"Mystery girl and I had a movie date, if you can even call it that," I said.

"Wait what?!" She asked in a surprised voice.

"We just watched a movie at the same time and messaged back and forth, don't get too excited," I laughed.

"Okay well, that's still very cute, I do have to say," she said, "was it her idea?"

"Yeah it was, and the movie she chose was - well she's pretty smooth, let's say that," I responded.

"What do you mean?" Emily asked.

"Oh just that it had maybe the hottest sex scene between two women that I've ever seen in a movie," I said as my mind drifted back to it.

"Oh damn, that was pretty smooth of her," Emily said, "I'm impressed."

"Right? Had no idea why she chose that movie at first, and then it all made sense," I told her.

"Yeah uh, very well played, you've got yourself a charming one apparently," she said.

"Apparently, she definitely knew what she was doing, that's for sure," I said, "she also mentioned something about hoping we could go on a date in person sometime soon."

"Oh yeah?" Emily asked, "well it's been about two weeks now, hasn't it? How you feeling about that?"

"I'm still not sure," I sighed, "obviously we're both having feelings, but - I don't know, you know how I am...meeting in person sounds scary."

"Yeah I know, and I'm sure it would be a little scary, maybe you just need a little more time before it sounds doable," she said.

"Yeah maybe, I want to be ready...just not quite there yet," I told her.

"It is a pretty big step," Emily said, "take your time and you guys will figure it out."


After a couple more weeks, it did seem like we were both taking our time. We'd been talking for close to a month now, and the feelings had only continued to grow stronger.

We sent messages back and forth almost every chance that we got, and we'd also ended up having a couple more movie dates. None of them were quite as good as that first one, but it had still been fun.

We were talking one night after work when the question finally came.

"Can I ask you something?" She sent.

"Go for it," I responded.

"Do you think you're ready to meet in person? I'd really like to if you're up for it," she said.

I stared at her message on my screen and debated with myself. I thought that I was ready, but it was still very scary to think about, and that made it hard to agree to.

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