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We have never sat together before today. Its either we sit side by side to the nearest desk or he sits behind me, to the desk where my back touches. How will I focus on the lecture now? Komal and Aftaab are sitting in their places where along with them me and Shaad were supposed to be but here, we are sitting with each other, he is still looking at me and I am trying every possible way to not to look at him. My eyes are straight into the textbook; he pulls the textbook to his side a little bit and says,
"What are you looking at in the textbook, lecture has not even started yet."
"I know I am just reading what will be taught today." I pull my textbook back to my side.
God, please tell him not to stare at me like that, the intensity of his eyes falling over me is so much that I can't focus on anything not even on myself.
"You know you look more adorable when you are all flushed." My eyes flutter at him. He is practically smirking.
"I am not--flushed--"
"You know you are not good at lying, also, your mouth can lie but---" He points at my cheeks"--they don't."
"What do you want?"
"Just you..." he pauses for a while and continues "to share your textbook with me."

I can easily understand that the sentence ended at 'just you' rest what he said is just a cover up, you crafty little creature. 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶...this side of him is complete opposite to what he was before this. Cute, calm, silent, he left this side of his personality and switched to 𝘩𝘰𝘵, 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘤 really quick. I like his both personalities but for the second one, its more than like.
"I am not sharing anything with you go get the favor from Aftaab" I don't want him to glare at me for the whole lecture.

"Are you afraid? 
"Afraid of what? you?"
"Nope! Afraid of not being able to hide those reds on your cheeks from me. Is that why you want me to go?"
"I want you gone from here so that I can focus on textbook and lecture properly."
"That means your focus is on me right now."

YES! My focus is on you right now just go.

"I didn't say that."
"Fine then. I don't see any reason for me to leave from here."
"Okay fine! You are correct. I am not able to focus because of you."
"Because of me in what way? am I disturbing you or is there some other reason? be clear with your words Muskan."

He knows what's in my head right now, but he is playing along just to hear it from me. Its better I say it and let him go so that I can focus properly or else this will just go on and I won't get even a single bit of what will be taught today. Okay Muskan be bold, or at least try.

"What do you want to hear?"
"The reason why you don't want me here."
"Your presence is distracting me."
"In what way?"
"All I can focus right now is you...being annoying. So just leave." Even my sentence here ended at 'you' rest other words are a veil over it.
"Is that so? I'll be quite then. Is that okay now? "He says folding his hands on his chest.
"OKAY FINE! hear me out, I am distracted by your presence in a way I can't tell you because even I don't know that myself, I don't want you glaring at me throughout the lecture with the bonus of your flirty lines in between and the eyes and lip things you do which is why I want you to leave from here and go sit with Aftaab. Go now."

He narrows his eyes, places his elbows on the desk and leans on his arm and says,
"I'll go, but on one condition that is you will come to your place too."
"What part of 'you distract me' you didn't get?"
"I won't leave until you do, now you choose your option, or I have no problem in sitting here all day and argue with you."

But I have problem in arguing with him. He wins always. Guess I have no choice but to agree with him. Such a Manipulator he is!

"Fine. I'll go"

As we stood up, he leans close to me and whispers,
" Don't you ever try to do what you did today, I can't stay away from you, and you know that. This is the reason why I chose to sit behind you and never allowed anyone to take that place."
"What if I do this again? what will you do?" I look him in the eyes.
He blinks twice, "I swear you don't want to know that" his voice deeper than normal. 

We both settle in our places.
"What happened? what you guys were talking about and why you went to sit there first and now came back here, are you going to say something? "Komal has lost it, so many questions all at once.
"How will I say something if you keep on talking, give a chance to speak. I was trying to tease Shaad by sitting away from him, but it just rebounded to me, and he somehow convinced to come to my place." OfCourse I can't share details with her.
"Oh, so he has the power to convince you to do anything. Great." Komal and her taunts.

As soon as the lecture ends Shaad calls me from behind and taunts,
"Did you focus properly or not.' 
"Yeah, I did. No thanks to you, you practically manipulated me to come and sit here."
"It was request."
"Right. As if I don't know."

He chuckles. He has the most beautiful smile I've seen in a man. Calm, sophisticated, beautifully executed smile that makes thousands of flowers to bloom in my heart. Yes, I like him. But I don't want him to know that because I have developed trust issues. I need my time to trust him, to love him and I have decided to just go with the flow. 

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