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He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to him. Thats a double assault, he has cupped my face, so I don't look anywhere but, in his eyes, and he has grabbed my waist, my body is against his chest. My chest is heaving, brushing against his with every bit of air I inhale. He leans in close to my ear as he whispers,
"Didn't I told you before......" he licks the bottom my ears and continues "......that mouth of yours can get you into more troubles than it can save you from, I am one of those troubles."
Goosebumps erupts all over my body. Trouble never looked this pretty to me.

He leans back, roaming his eyes all over my face, holding me still. The way he is looking at me is enough to make me realize what I invited for myself here. He brushes his fingers from my jaw to my cheeks slowly gliding them to my lips. I don't know what is affecting me so much right now, his eyes, his touch or maybe HIM completely. He nudges his fingers over my lips, back and forth. I shut my eyes instantly, but he grabbed my throat, not too hard but to make my eyes open. 
"What did I told you about not to look away from me ever." his voice is rusty. I am breathing heavy. I can't even throw a word out of my mouth at this very moment. He loosened his hold on my throat and stroke my pulse point there, his fingers gliding all over my throat. He pulled me even closer, there is not enough gap between us for even air to pass. He is looking at me with his glazed eyes while he is still stroking his fingers on my throat. 
"Where are your words huh? That mouth of yours......." his fingers finds my lips, " ........I have never seen it shut for so long. Tell me Muskan why are you so quiet now. Is it because of my eyes on you, or my fingers measuring your sleek throat, or them gliding on your lips. What is it that made you speechless?" he speaks in a slow seductive voice. EVERYTHING. Everything is the reason I am speechless.  He leans in on my face, tilts his head, his lips hovering mine, "I'll lose control, I should not do this." he cursed under his breath. His lips, they almost touched as I close my eyes and he just backed off I pulled his arm to stop him from leaving me "fuck I don't care if I lose control." This was the last thing that came out of his mouth before he slammed it to mine.  This is not my first kiss neither his, but it is different. He kisses me like a possessed man. He devours me still holding my waist and grabbing my throat. He sucked on my lower sending a wave of shiver throughout my body. 

As we break our kiss, we both are panting. Our lips are clearly swollen. He hugs me tight in his arm and says, "Happy birthday Muskan, YOU. ARE. MINE." 
"I am yours there is no doubt about it."
He chuckles. "Come I'll drop you home and see aunty too." he says.

He comes home with me and my mom as usual gets pleased to see him. What magic has he done on her.
"Hello aunty I just came to drop her, bye." 
"Wait son you can't just go like that, sit and have dinner. Only Muskan is left she'll get company." My mom says.
"Okay." he says winking at me. Something is going on in his mind, I guess.

My mom serves us dinner, she has made palak paneer. We are doing dinner together that too at my place in the presence of everyone. This is more than precious. My birthday went as a blast indeed. He made a morsel and lifted his hands towards my mouth. WHAT IS HE DOING? WE ARE AT HOME. I cocked my eyebrows. "Have it from my hands come on hurry up if you don't want anyone to see us." he says laughing. I immediately accepted it. He should learn something called as 'fear'. 
"Now it's your turn." he says.
"I am not doing it anyone can see us Shaad, it's a bad idea."
"Fine then, I won't eat if you don't feed me a bite from your hands, just one come on."
I made a morsel and just threw it into his mouth in a hurry and he hitched. Shit. I grab a glass of water immediately, "Hey? Shaad are you okay." I made him drink water from my hands and I just forget WE ARE AT HOME. He laughs looking at me and whisper, "Oh my! just a bit of problem to me and you forget where you are, love indeed makes you cross oceans huh." This time I smile.

"I heard you are going Bangalore for your studies." my mom asks him. I told her this.
"No, it's just that I have to study here and for exams I need to go to Bangalore." He replies. 
"Don't you dare to go there without meeting me okay." my mom says laughing.
"OfCourse aunty how can I go without meeting you." They both smile and me too.

Soon Shaad leaves for home. I asked her for a birthday gift today and he literally proved me how God has already gifted him to me. A permanent gift no one can take away from me. For the first time in 19 years, I was so happy on my birthday that I didn't realize how my day just passed. 

But there is something I am hiding, from everyone, even from Shaad. I thought of telling him today about it, but we were both so happy I didn't want to take that away. I have been diagnosed with CAD its coronary artery disease at the peak level. My heart is not getting enough supply of oxygen and blood which may lead to death possible if it gets stuck any time. I do have symptoms, but the major is, blood vomits. Once Shaad and I were having a conversation where he said he would never marry a girl who is sick...and his mom said this too. I am afraid if I tell him the truth he will leave me. 

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