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Fanny stared at her French prep with a sigh.

'Doris,' she mumbled, 'Don't you think Mam'zelle has been much harsher with us lately after that whole cupboard incident?'

Doris stared of dreamily into the distance. 'Yes,' she replied. 'It almost feels as if she's targeting us. I mean, how is it our fault that that dreadful Alicia locked me into a cupboard?'

'Doris,' said Miss Potts in her crisp voice, 'Would you like to share what is so amusing with the rest of the class?'

'No thank you, Miss,' said Doris primly, her cheeks flushing.

Just then, the bell rang. Doris and Fanny thankfully gathered their papers and left the room, leaving all thoughts of French grammar and rules behind.

'Doris,' whispered Fanny. 'Look over there.' Doris looked where Fanny was pointing and gasped.

'Gracious!' She said, in a voice filled with utmost disgust and terror. 'I-is that ... Alicia stealing Mam'zelle's best pen?'

Both girls looked over to where Alicia was bent over, clutching Mam'zelle's best golden fountain pen in her hand and stuffing it in her pocket.

'This is a matter of grave importance', said Fanny in lofty tones. 'We simply must tell Mam'zelle! After all, mummy did tell us that it was good to tell on others.'

'Of course we should tell her! This is our chance to get back at that terrible Alicia and get her expelled! No girl who brutally shoves other girls into cupboards deserves to stay at a prestigious school like Malory Towers, after all,' replied Doris, a most spiteful look coming across her thin, pinched face.

'Quite right, old thing! Let's go tell her now.'

The twins linked arms and purposefully strode towards Mam'zelle's office. 'There go the Pi Sisters,' whispered Darrell to Sally. 'Wonder what they're up to now?'

The Pi Sisters at Malory TowersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant