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The preparations for the play were now well underway. The girls had just about recovered from the bitter disappointment of the Pi Sisters playing the main roles, and threw themselves whole-heartedly into the other aspects of the play. Irene could be seen humming a sweet melody in the corridors, and Belinda was already designing the elaborate gingerbread house in which the witch resided.

However, Alicia and Darrell continued to be plagued by the casting problem. What if the Pi Sisters were as dull at acting as they were at lessons and games? What if they ruined their play?

'I simply can't imagine how those sneaky Pi Sisters somehow thought about snatching the main roles from under our noses! And that their horrid plan actually worked!' exclaimed Darrell to Alicia.

'I know,' agreed Alicia gloomily. 'It is frightfully unfair. But I suppose there's nothing we can do now but grin and bear it.'

Meanwhile, the Pi sisters, the subjects of this conversation, were having an intense argument about who should be Hansel and who should be Gretel. Having seen the pretty pink lace dress that Jean had designed for Gretel, both sisters wanted her role.

'I want to be Gretel and wear the frilly dress!' shrieked Fanny.

'I want to be Gretel and have more lines!' screamed Doris, equally loud.

'I'm prettier!'

'I'm better at acting!'

'Would you to stop it!' exclaimed an enraged Betty Hill from the corner. 'You've already stolen my part and sent the form into turmoil. Please don't ruin our play too!'

The Pi Sisters paid no attention, their claws at each others throats.

'You will let me be Gretel', growled Doris. 'Or you'll regret it! I'm the older one, and I shall write a letter to Mummy. And we both know that I'm more persuasive, charming and literate!'

Fanny sighed, a plan already forming in her slow, spiteful mind. 'Alright, you can be Gretel,' she said, surrendering sweetly. But in her mind, sneaky little Fanny was already coming up with a plan to snatch the role from Doris. She wasn't all that dim!


The Pi Sisters at Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now