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Darrell and Alicia headed to the heads office, grim looks on their faces. At last they arrived at the big, oaken door. Darrell reached up and knocked on the pristine, polished wood.

'Come in,' came Miss Grayling's loud, crisp voice.

The girls walked in, both in the worst of tempers. Not only was the play a flop, but the cherry on top of the cake was Mrs Rivers chumming up with those dreadful Pi sisters, and even treating them to a delicious tea of chocolate-filled buns and buttery scones.

'Darrell,' Mrs Rivers had said afterwards. 'Are you friends with those lovely Berger girls? They're awfully nice and polite. Much better than that poor actress Alicia!'

Darrell's fists clenched remembering those dreadful moments. She walked into the room.

'Sit,' said Miss Grayling. 'I need to talk to you.'

The girls took their seats, and soon the Head began talking.

'As you know, the play was an absolute disaster,' she glanced at Darrell. 'Not only was it poorly written and directed,' she said, 'but the actresses forgot half their lines. If it wasn't for those Berger girls, it would have been a total wreck. I'm ashamed of you, girls. I thought you were better than this.'

Alicia and Darrell hung their heads in shame. Oh the injustice of it all! And worst of all was that the Pi Sisters got away with it scot free!

Later in the common room, Alicia walked in to find a pair of supremely smug Pi Sisters gloating about their victory. At this disgusting sight, Alicia completely lost it.

'You wretched girls!' shrieked Alicia. 'I'm sick of you! Always acting Pi when you're twice as bad at the rest of us!'

The girls crowded around to watch.

'How dare you ruin our play like that! Who do you think you are? I want to bring my lacrosse stick down on your smug faces, but I have some restraint and conscience, unlike you two!'

She turned around. 'Girls! I vote we send the beastly sneaks to Coventry! They'll get what they deserve all right!'

The Pi Sisters were shocked at this outburst. Never in their spoilt, luxurious lives had they been spoken to like this.

'They didn't really mean it, right?' whispered Fanny to Doris once the scene had died down.

'Oh, I think they did,' replied Doris grimly.

'Don't worry Doris,' whispered Gwen consolingly. 'I'll still talk to you two secretly!' For Gwen desperately wanted to stay in Marc B's famous mansion over the summer hols, and was angling for an invite. 

The Pi Sisters at Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now