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Alicia, the poor victim of the Pi Sisters' sneaking, was meandering across the corridor when she heard Potty screaming at some unfortunate girl. 'Poor them!' thought Alicia. 'I wonder who Potty's scolding now?'

No sooner then had Alicia had thought that question, Potty's door opened with a bang and a pair of doleful, tear-stained Pi Sisters burst out.

'Golly!' said Alicia. 'Whatever did you do to incur Potty's wrath like that?'

Now, under normal circumstances, the Pi Sisters would have sneered at Alicia. But they were so swept up under their misery and rage, they did not notice that the person they were talking to was their very own rival and root of their trouble, Alicia Johns!

'You see,' began Doris. 'We saw that Awful Alicia stealing Mam'zelle's best gold fountain pen! So naturally, we went to tell her, but it turned out that that horrible, sly Alicia had returned the pen to Mam'zelle instead of stealing it like we know she wanted to!'

'So Mam'zelle flew into a temper, though it was hardly our fault,' sniffed Fanny. 'I can't even imagine what we did wrong. But that cruel Mam'zelle then proceeded to, quite unreasonably, dragging us all the way to Potty's office!' With this, the Pi Sisters burst into floods of tears, unable to control themselves at the 'unfairness' of it all.

Alicia listened to this whole outburst, her eyes growing wider and wider. 'You sneaks!' she said. 'You were planning to get me into trouble! Now I have half a mind to go and tell Miss Grayling, let alone all the girls.'

The twins listened in horror. It was Alicia they were talking to all this while! They tried to stop her, but it was too late. She was already in the common room, telling the form about what had happened.

'The beasts!' said Irene. 'I vote we send then to Coventry!'

Though not everyone agreed to this suggestion, they all made up their minds to jibe at the spiteful, tell-tale Pi Sisters at every chance they got.

The Pi Sisters were in for a bad time the next few days. It seems the girls made remarks at every thing they did!

'Do pass the treacle pudding, Alicia,' said Irene at dinner.

'Do be careful that you don't take seconds,' said Alicia in a prim tone. 'Otherwise the Pi Sisters might just go report this horrible sin to Miss Grayling!'

The Pi Sisters flushed. 'Really Alicia - ,' they began. But before they could start, every girl at the table started laughing uproariously at Alicia's comment, and the Pi Sisters' lofty voices were drowned out. The Pi Sisters were getting their comeuppance, and they did not like it one bit!

The Pi Sisters at Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now