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Last Chapter in the book guys!!!

The last day of term soon rolled by, and the girls were soon as exited as they were at the start of the term.

'Golly!' whispered Doris to Fanny. 'I heard that our awful Daddy is coming to pick us up. I hope he wont make a big fanfare like he did last time, what with the blingy trousers and horrid rock concert!'

'Well, he will be taking us to Auntie Nigella's house,' said Fanny primly. 'And you know what a good time we'll have there! Waking up at 5:00 am, visiting the charity – of course, in our air-conditioned limousine, and eating Auntie Nigella's delightful delicacies.'

'Hold on,' said Darrell, who had been listening to the conversation with increasing interest. 'Do you mean the famous chef Nigella Lawson? Golly! Is she coming here?'

'Yes,' sniffed Doris. 'But she won't interact with you riff-raff of course.'

She turned to Fanny. 'All her attention will be on you and me!' And with that, the twins cackled madly, sending Darrell down the hallway in shivers.

'Goodness,' she thought to herself. 'What are those awful Pi sisters doing now?'

At last, it was time to leave. The girls gathered round to say goodbyes.

In the midst of the chatter, Irene suddenly shouted.

'Gee, is that Miss Grayling coming up? What has she got to say to us?

Miss Grayling came up, and glanced at the Pi Sisters, who were busy gloating about Auntie Nigella in the corner. 'Twins,' she said quietly. 'Would you like to say something to Alicia for saving you? Perhaps a word of thanks?'

The Pi Sisters flushed.

'Th- th – th...' stuttered Doris.

'Th – th – thanks,' mumbled Fanny

Alicia grinned at them. 'What was that?' she asked innocently. 'I didn't quite hear you, you see.'

'Thank you!' yelled the Pi sisters. And with that, they fled to the drive, anxiously waiting for their father and Auntie Nigella.

At last, the big, gold rolls Royce rolled up.

Marc B jumped out. 'Hallo, girls!' he said brightly.

'Look!' shouted Alicia. 'It's Marc B!'

A huge cheer arose. The Pi Sisters rolled their eyes as primly as they could.

'Golly! Look at him showing off again. At least he isn't wearing those awful leather trousers,' said Doris.

But her voice was drowned out by the stomping crowd of girls asking for autographs, which their Daddy was all too happy too give.

'Oh god!' moaned Fanny. 'At this rate, well be out of here by night. Where's Auntie Nigella?'

Right as the words left her mouth, the crowd parted. And, walking serenely through the awe-struck girls, was Nigella Lawson.

'Auntie!' shrieked the girls, running and hugging her. 'We're so glad you're here! Oh take us away! Now!'

'Now, now, be patient girls,' said Nigella in her slow, pious voice. 'Heavens! Are these the sort of grubby girls you mingle with?' she asked snidely, looking at the roaring girls.

'Yes,' sniveled the twins. 'All day. Now do take us home! We're sick of this place!'

The Pi Sisters swept up to their chauffeur-driven car, following Nigella, who could not stand the sight of so many children, inside. Then they rolled up the windows and relaxed in the expensive leather seats.

'Girls,' said their aunt brightly. 'I have arranged with your mother for you to stay all summer, as a treat for being so honest and for telling tales!'

The twins cheered. 'All summer with Aunty Nigella? What could be better?'

'Wait up, girls!' cried Marc B, climbing into the car. 'I just escaped the mob.'

'Stop acting like you didn't enjoy it,' said Fanny cattily. 'You even gave Alicia your white leather jacket! Good riddance, I say.'

Marc B ignored her. 'Off we go!' he said cheerily. And with that, the car rolled off into the sunset, leaving a crowd of girls and dear old Malory Towers behind.

So this is the end of the Pi Sisters' tenure at Malory Towers, but they might transfer to St Clare's now, a book that we may be writing.

Special shout out to all our biggest fans - @kangarooenid, @slothlover, @babygail12, @inbaa!

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