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If Darrell and Sally had known what the Pi Sisters were doing, they would have gasped in shock. But fortunately for the Pi Sisters, no one was around as they crept towards Mam'zelle's room, identical smirks on their face.

Mam'zelle was peacefully marking some first form papers when the Pi sisters burst into the room, their faces radiating spite.

'Tiens!' said Mam'zelle. 'What has happened for you to come here at this time? Is some girl hurt?'

'No, no Mam'zelle,' said Doris, in syrupy tones. 'Nothing like that. But I am afraid something even worse has happened!'

'You see, Mam'zelle,' cut in Fanny, 'We saw Alicia Johns stealing your best golden fountain pen!'

Both girls gasped and put their hands over their mouths, expressions of mock horror on their faces. But curiously, Mam'zelle did not drag Alicia to Miss Grayling or scream in shock as they had expected. Instead, she looked at them rather coldly.

'I will have you know that Alicia was just returning the pen to me, as I had lost it,' she said, a frosty undertone to her voice. 'You bad girls! Sneaking on poor Alicia like that! Ah, I will take to to miss Grayling! I will take you to Miss Potts! Ah, you bad English girls!'

'Mam'zelle,' they began. But it was too late. Mam'zelle dragged them down the corridor, ignoring their pleading, straight to Miss Potts.

Miss Potts was sitting at her desk, and was not happy to be disturbed.

'What is it, Mam'zelle?' she asked in a sharp tone of voice.

'Ah, these girls, you will not believe what mischief they are up to!' began Mam'zelle, continuing to relate the whole incident of the 'stolen pen'.

Miss Potts heard Mam'zelle's words with a rather grim expression, and then turned on the miserable Pi Sisters.

'Well, girls? What have you got to say for yourselves?'

'Oh Miss Potts, we really did think Alicia was stealing the pen! After all, she is capable of anything,' began Doris in a plaintive tone.

'And we thought it would be rather nice of us to tell Mam'zelle, just in case her favourite pen was being stolen,' added Fanny.

Miss Potts was most displeased with the girls. She did not like sneaking of any kind, and the Pi Sisters seemed to be doing it most frequently!

'I'm afraid I shall have to report this matter to Miss Grayling,' she said. 'And please take care not to sneak in the future, for it is a truly loathsome habit!'

The Pi Sisters' hearts sank. What would Miss Grayling say? Oh, blow that Alicia, always stirring up trouble for them!

The Pi Sisters at Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now