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Preparations for the play commenced. The chosen play, written by Darrell, was an adaptation of Hansel and Gretel, and the girls enjoyed it very much. Hansel was to be played by Betty Hill and Gretel by Mary Lou – excellent choices indeed! And the most coveted role of the evil witch was given to Alicia.

'Simply wizard choices!' exclaimed Darrell. 'Everyone's more or less satisfied with their roles, I should think.'

Everyone except the Pi Sisters!

'I think it's rather unfair that we should be made the maids,' said Fanny in a petulant voice.

'Mummy did tell us that we're terribly good at acting,' agreed Doris.

Fanny suddenly had an idea. 'I say – let's write to Mummy and tell her that all the girls have gotten speaking roles but for us! Mummy will be so upset that she'll go straight to Miss Grayling and force her to give us a plum role,' she said in gleeful tones.

'I always thought you were the dim twin, Fanny, but that's not such a bad idea!' said Doris. 'Let's do it!'

And so the Pi Sisters hastily wrote to Mrs Berger. A few days later, Miss Grayling called Darrell and Alicia to her office to speak to them. The Pi Sisters knew this was their doing, so they kept careful watch on the door, waiting to hear the good news Darrell and Alicia would bring.

In Miss Grayling's office, meanwhile, two girls were getting the shock of their lifetime.

'But Miss Grayling,' Alicia protested. 'Doris and Fanny are absolutely rubbish at acting! We can't give them the best roles in the play!'

'I know you are disappointed, girls. But I was hoping that involving the twins more would make them less spiteful. Just try it, for my sake,' the Head replied softly.

Darrell and Alicia drudged up to the common room with heavy hearts. 'Girls,' they announced to the first form, 'I'm afraid that we have decided to make a last minute switch in the roles. Hansel and Gretel are now to be played by – Doris and Fanny.

White, shocked faces greeted this miserable announcement. The Pi Sisters to play the lead role? However did this happen?

The Pi Sisters looked on in glee. Their plan had worked! Now to sabotage Alicia's precious play...


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