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The girls trudged to the school hall in a trance. They couldn't hear anything around them, much less speak. How dare the Head ruin all their grand plans at the last minute.

Gwen saw they were looking rather put out, and walked up to them. 'What's the matter, girls? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for the party?'

Doris and Fanny glared at her. ''It's not happening anymore!' yelled Doris. 'So get out of my sight, ye vermin!'

Gwen was aghast. She put two and two together, knowing that the girls had just been to Miss Grayling's office. 'Oh, did Miss Grayling stop you from having the party, then?' she asked anxiously, for she was eager to meet Marc B and Nigella.

Fanny filled her in on the situation while Doris fumed.

'But you can still have a smashing party in the school hall!' exclaimed Gwen. 'After all, you still have your decorations, food and entertainment. I promise you, Alicia will still be jealous.'

At the mention of Alicia, their sworn enemy, being jealous, the Pi Sisters perked up.

'She's right Doris!' said Fanny. 'Let's do it!'

So the girls toiled hard all day. They pointed their fingers where they wanted the decorations to go, and watched the workers lugging around heavy music equipment while buffing their nails.

'Golly,' said Doris wearily. 'This party planning is hard work I tell you.'

'You're absolutely right!' agreed Doris. But just then, she caught sight of a delivery van pulling into the driveway with their Auntie Nigella's logo on it. The van was followed by a plush, plum-colored Rolls Royce.

'It's Auntie Nigella!!' the girls shrieked, and ran straight into the driveway to the Rolls Royce.

Their aunt stepped out, looking fashionable as ever in a figure-hugging dress, wavy tresses, and a thick ermine muff even though it was the summer.

'My girls,' she said in her lofty voice, hugging the Pi Sisters. 'Don't you look wonderfully fabulous! And this must be your school. It looks... quaint,' she said, eyeing the worn stone walls reprovingly. 'Could do with some renovations.'

'Oh Auntie, we've missed you so!' exclaimed the twins primly, eyeing the food from the corner of their eyes.

'You've brought my favourite Simnel cake!' said Doris delightedly.

'Of course!' laughed Nigella, patting Doris on the head. 'And how clever of you to identify it!'

'It's quite obvious. We could tell straight away by the 11 nougat balls that represent each apostle,' said Fanny in her most pious voice.

'Anybody would know that, stop showing off your religious knowledge,' scoffed Doris. Let's go in, shall we?' she said, taking her Auntie's arm. 'I simply can't wait to see all the goodies you've prepared!'

The Pi Sisters at Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now