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'Doris,' said Fanny one day. 'It's my thirteenth birthday in a week!'

'It's my thirteenth birthday in a week,' glared Doris.

Alicia happened to be walking past at this very moment. 'You duffers!' she exclaimed. 'It's both your birthdays, you're twins.'

The Pi Sisters hissed at Alicia, their most hated nemesis. 'Well, you certainly won't be invited to the festivities,' spat Doris.

'Oh bother!' wailed Alicia. 'I'm soooo upset!' She rolled her eyes. 'Anyway, your idea of fun is going for Mass on Sunday.'

With this, she sauntered away, leaving the Pi Sisters simmering with rage.

'The cheek of her!' yelled Doris.

'Are we really that pi?' asked Fanny, a bit taken aback by Alicia's comments.

'Well, we are, but that's entirely besides the point,' dismissed Doris. 'Let's plan a jolly grand birthday party and invite all the girls in our form except Alicia. That'll teach her.'

'Golly – even that awful Darrell Rivers?' said Fanny.

'Yes, everyone! Even though it pains me to invite Darrell to our bash. She'll stuff herself with all the food; she has a monstrous appetite with playing all that nasty lacrosse,' sniffed Doris.

So the Pi Sisters began planning their bash very carefully. They wanted the best of everything – food, decorations, entertainment, and music! The biggest decision they had to make was whether to invite their Daddy to sing, or not.

'We're simply not calling him,' shrieked Fanny. 'He'll embarrass us again in his shocking leather breeches!'

'I know he's a simply horrid singer,' agreed Doris. 'But for some reason all the girls are crazy about him, so we have to call him. It'll make Alicia frightfully jealous.'

Eventually, all the planning was done. Marc B was going to handle the music, the girls had hired a top-class interior designer for the decorations, and – best of all – Auntie Nigella agreed to cater the food.

Doris, however, wasn't satisfied. 'We need to make everything grander!' she said, clenching her teeth.

'But that interior designer is frightfully expensive – she's charging us a million pounds!' intervened Fanny timidly.

'That's hardly enough to even make a dent in Daddy's fortune,' Doris sneered. 'I was thinking that we could rent around a hundred stretch limousines to chauffeur all the girls to the school lawns where the marquee is to be set up.'

'Heavens,' exclaimed Gwen, who was hanging on to Doris's every word. 'It all sounds simply smashing, but have you told all of this to Miss Grayling?'

'Well... not yet,' said Fanny. 'But we were planning to, right Doris?'

'Let's not,' said Doris hastily. 'We don't want her ruining all our lovely plans!'

The Pi Sisters at Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now