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The invited girls trooped into the school hall in time for the party. Although they simply loathed the Pi Sisters, they were eager to see Marc B perform and to catch a glimpse of Nigella.

'Golly!' exclaimed Darrell, looking around at the lavish decorations. 'They must have spent a fortune on this! Are those real ruby chandeliers?'

'Of course, dear,' sniffed Nigella, who had overheard this question. 'Using fake rubies is just so tacky these days. And my nieces have impeccable taste. Now you, on the other hand...' She eyed Darrell's scruffy school uniform and the traces of mud on her shoes condescendingly.

Darrell blushed. Nigella was simply as awful as the Pi Sisters! She turned to Irene and started talking to her, eager to ignore more of Nigella's spiteful comments.

'I say, Irene,' she said loudly. 'Where are the Pi Sisters? Are they planning to skip their very own party?'

But the Pi Sisters simply wished to make a grand entrance. Once everyone was in the hall, they signaled for a complete blackout. And then suddenly, a spotlight shined on the two sisters who were gliding into the hall, smug smiles pasted on their faces. They thought they looked very grand indeed!

For a while, their entrance was greeted by complete silence. But then, in her usual manner, Irene let out one of her explosive snorts, and collapsed on the floor with laughter.

Soon, the other girls joined in, unable to restrain themselves. The hall was filled with peals of merry laughter.

'Why are you laughing?' shrieked Doris, two angry red spots appearing on her cheeks.

'Oh,' cried Darrell, clutching her waist with laughter. 'It's just – your dresses!' With that, she continued chuckling helplessly.

For the Pi Sisters' dresses were simply hideous. The bodices were covered with gigantic yellow beads that looked like sausages, and the skirts were enormous. They were covered with yards and yards of lace that puffed up the skirts and made them look like giant cakes. To make matters even worse, the Pi Sisters had opted to wear tall, white wigs which made them look like cheap replicas of Marie Antoinette.

'Ignore them,' Fanny tried to console Doris. 'They just don't know a thing about high fashion.'

'Alright,' Doris gritted her teeth. 'Let's get a move on.'

Amid the laughter, the twins walked up to the stage and grabbed the microphones.

'As you know,' Doris began primly. 'It is a big event today – our birthday.'

'We aren't like normal girls, you know,' put in Fanny. 'We are special. We are marvelously rich and pretty, not to rub it in of course.'

'And that is why we are going to open all our presents on stage, and if we don't like them, we shall chuck them back in your faces. We deserve to get presents as awe-inspiring as us,' finished Doris aggressively.

The girls stared at the twins. Were they out of their minds? Besides, the Pi Sisters were so unpopular that barely any of the girls had bothered to get presents for them.

Nigella broke the silence. 'Bravo, girls,' she applauded. 'Let's start with my gift, shall we? I know you shall love it!'

Nigella carried a simply enormous box onto the stage, which Doris and Fanny fell upon like vultures tearing apart their carcasses. The present was revealed to be busts of the girls' heads.

'Crafted out of pure Swarovski crystal,' said Nigella proudly.

'Oh thank you Auntie!' yelled the twins in delight. 'They're simply gorgeous!'

The girls stared in shock. Not only were the busts hideous, but they were also shockingly expensive. How would the twins react to their meagre gifts?

'Alright, who's next?' Doris tapped her foot impatiently.

Gwen gulped. She had brought the girls something, but it was nothing compared to Nigella's gift. 'I'll go,' she volunteered bravely, handing the girls her gift.

'Hmm...' critiqued Fanny. 'Brown leather purses. Not bad, right Doris?'

'Yes,' Doris agreed. 'Next!'

The rest of the presents were all rudely rejected by the spoilt and bratty Pi Sisters.

'What even is this?' shrieked Fanny at Darrell's blotting paper pad, flinging it at Darrell.

'These jumpers are absolutely hideous!' shouted Doris at Pamela, stamping on the knitted sweaters.

And so it went. All the girls were humiliated and angry at the spoilt twins, and would have left the party immediately if it were not for the promise of Marc B's arrival.

'Jolly rude of them!' exclaimed Darrell, shocked and stung by their bratty behavior. 'They're pigs, both of them!'

The Pi Sisters at Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now