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Half-term, as far as the Pi Sisters were concerned, was an absolute disaster. They wrote to their mother complaining about the rowdy concert and roaring crowd, and got the sympathy they wanted.

'Heavens, girls!' wrote their mother. 'I really do not know how to control your father. He is simply out of control! You know I only married him because he was a knight with aristocratic blood.'

This encouragement soothed the Pi Sisters' tempers, and so they did not do anything rash for quite some time.

A week after half-term, Miss Potts made an exciting announcement.

'Girls, you are to produce and stage your very own play. It must be done entirely by your form – from the script right down to the set design,' she announced to the eager girls.

The whole form began chattering about this jolly good bit of news. They elected a director – Alicia, of course – very soon, and gathered for a meeting.

'Look at the way Alicia is sitting on that table,' glared Doris reprovingly. 'Almost as if she owns the school, just because she is director of some nasty school play.'

'Yes,' echoed Fanny uncertainly. 'But Doris, wouldn't it be such an honour if we wrote a script and it was selected? Imagine telling Mummy!'

'Hmm,' thought Doris. 'You do make a rather good point. Alright, we shall write a great play, and it is sure to be selected as the selection process is anonymous!'

And so the Pi Sisters spent the next few weeks with their heads put together in the common room, scribbling furiously at their play titled 'Priscilla of the Abbey'. Arguments could also be heard frequently, with Fanny exclaiming 'Priscilla would never say such a vulgar word as "golly"' or similar statements at regular intervals. When their play was finished, they bound it up and submitted it to the selection committee.

'We are sure to win,' said Doris smugly. 'Priscilla of the Abbey is a masterpiece.'

'Indeed, even that dreadful Alicia will be sure to love it,' gloated Fanny.

But what happened at the selections? Read our next chapter to find out!

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