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The girls slept soundly through the morning, tired out after a raging night of dancing along to Marc B's latest hits. Only one pair of girls woke up extremely early – the Pi Sisters. They had slept early, simmering with anger due to their immense disappointment at their party.

Doris and Fanny leapt out of bed silently, and pulled out a bunch of rosaries. They deposited one on each girl's sleeping body to make them repent their actions of the day before. For good measure, Doris draped three rosaries on Alicia – the biggest 'sinner'.

They then walked up to the cupboard where they had put all the girls' 'lousy' presents, which consisted of various sweaters, pencils, purses and hair ribbons. They gathered all of these in their arms and walked to the school grounds.

Alicia, always a light sleeper, woke up with the sound of the closing door. Blearily, she looked around at the beds, and saw that the Pi Sisters were missing.

She stood up with a start. 'Golly! I wonder where they are? And what is this that has just fallen off me?'

She picked up the rosaries and scowled. 'They have gone mad, those hypocrites,' she muttered. I'd better go see where they're at! They might be making another escape.'

Silently, she crept to the school grounds and was greeted by a most astonishing sight!

'Heavens!' she cried with alarm. 'There's a jolly big fire that's starting in the middle of the field. I'd better call the fire department before it sets the whole school on fire.'

She ran to Miss Grayling's office, ringing the fire bell repeatedly along the way. 'Fire! Fire!' she screamed, waking up the sleeping girls.

Miss Grayling immediately summoned the fire fighters, who most fortunately arrived just in time.

'Just a few minutes later, and the fire would have spread to the building,' said the chief firefighter. 'But I'm afraid your grounds are completely destroyed, and it will take years for the grass to be regrown.'

Miss Grayling nodded. 'I don't mind about the grounds as long as none of my girls were hurt. All of them are, most fortunately, safe and sound. But whatever could have sparked the fire, sir?'

'Well, we've traced the fire to its origin,' said the chief grimly. 'And it seems as though someone deliberately lit a bonfire right here. We even found some charred objects that survived the fire.'

He held up the charred remains of the sweater that Pamela had gifted to Doris and Fanny.

'I thought we had disposed of that foul rag in the fire!' hissed Doris in Fanny's ear.

'Yes, I'm surprised it didn't burn like we intended it to. The other things did,' said Fanny puzzledly.

Miss Grayling, meanwhile, was staring at the sweater. 'Does anyone know who this belongs to?' she called out to the girls.

'Yes!' cried Pamela in surprise. 'I think that's the sweater I gave Doris and Fanny for their birthday!'

The chief came up to Miss Grayling with a pile of other charred objects – purses, broaches and other sweaters. 'These were also in the fire, ma'am.'

The girls stared. These were all of the Pi Sisters' gifts! Surely they didn't do anything as mad as set them alight?

'Now it all makes sense!' shouted Alicia. 'Miss Grayling, I heard the twins exiting to the grounds earlier this morning, and they must have set their birthday gifts on fire! Golly, what nutters!'

'Girls, is this true?' whispered Miss Grayling in utter shock.

'Why of course,' said Fanny sullenly. 'Have you seen how unfashionable and dumpy  those sweaters are? They deserved to be burned.'

'And it's all the girls' fault for giving us such truly horrid presents,' said Doris brattily.

The girls', and Miss Grayling's, mouths dropped open. Would the Pi Sisters ever cease to amaze? Would the Pi Sisters never stop acting like utter fools? Probably not, they all thought.

Doris and Fanny were giving a grand ticking off by Miss Grayling, and were suspended from school for three weeks. They spent this 'holiday', as they called it, in Auntie Nigella's house, sitting by the poolside and sipping aqueous martinis.

'Auntie Nigella, your servant forgot to put an olive in mine!' screeched Fanny.

Auntie Nigella beamed. Her girls were so observant! What fine and splendid girls they were. She wasn't surprised that the school had given them, out of all the girls, a three-week holiday.


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