Sherlock: Smells

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"Sherlock? Let's talk about..." Before you could finish speaking your husband, Sherlock Holmes cut your sentence. "My answer is still no, don't you get it (Y/N)? We've been arguing about this for months, I'll still say no." He said blankly, you scrunches your nose up and rolled your eyes at him.

You marched going to your room and slammed the door. You sobbed silently and after some minutes you heard someone knocking on your door. "(Y/N), I'm sorry, but its a no, come out love please?" You rolled your eyes at the back of your head and glared at the door. You didn't answer your husband. You can't believe he's being an arsehole.

You let out a deep breath and walked to the door, you opened it and you saw Sherlock standing outside, he's biting his lower lip and he's looking at you. "What? Its a no right? What the hell are you doing here?" He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out of his mouth when you were about to close the door he held your hands. "(Y/N) I'm sorry it just that, you can ask me anything but not that." He whispered in a soft voice, yet you're still mad. "No Sherlock! That's my dream! I want to be a mother! I want to build my own family and you're telling me you don't want to have kids?" He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"They will slow our lives, waking up in the midnight because of a crying monster, cleaning shits. Is that what you want? Aren't you happy with me?" You looked at him blankly, his icy blue eyes staring down at you. "I am but I'm incomplete if I won't have my own child." You've been arguing with him about this matter but Sherlock is Sherlock what he wants, he always gets but for you not this time. You want to be a mother and no one can change that even him.

"(Y/N) I don't understand why are you so determined to have a Baby!" His voice raised, you gasped. He never raise his voice when he's talking to you, you stepped back and he tried reaching you. "I'm so sorry (Y/N) please understand me love. Babies aren't my thing." He said, looking down at his feet. You stood in front of him and smirked proudly. "Love is not your thing either isn't it? Did you marry me to have a companion? Huh? Sherlock?!" You saw how shock he is, his mouth is apart as he look at you, he couldn't believed that you said that to him. "You're doubting me?" He asked, his voice full of pain. You smirked at him as you ran a hand on your hair, "No, I don't but Sherlock I'm telling you this, I will have my own baby!" You said with finality, he sighed deeply and held your hand, "Without me you won't be able to have your own baby (Y/N) stop being a woman." You took your hands from him and smirked proudly.

"Says who? I don't care if you're not the father as long as I would have my child I won't mind making love with other men." He looked at you unbelievably, he's waiting for you to take back what you have said but you didn't. You saw how he clenched his jaw and how tears form in the corner of his eyes.

Your eyes widened when he knelt down in front of you and hug your legs, "(Y/N), I'm sorry please don't leave me. I'm just scared that if you'd have a baby you would forget about me. Please love don't leave me, I promise to be a good Father just don't leave me."  You're not serious earlier, you just want to piss him off but you didn't think that this will be the effect you help him stood up and you cupped his face, with a smile you kissed him quickly. "I'm just kidding, how can I look for my baby's Father if he's already standing in front of me?" He gulped but you saw how his eyes sparkled, he held your hands firmly and kissed the back of it. "What do you mean?" You giggled at how innocent he is, you tiptoed and kiss him, he wrapped his arms around your waist and kiss you back. Your hands wrapped around his neck while he's kissing you deeply, when the two of you pulled away, he kissed your forehead. "Sherlock I'm pregnant." This time, it is his time to be shocked, your period is delayed that's why you decided to go to a doctor for your check up and you found out you're three weeks pregnant.

"I'm a Father now? (Y/N) is this serious? Why didn't I noticed?! Wait, increase of appetite, mood swings and sudden it all makes sense. Is this the reason why you made me sleep on the living room?" You giggled at his reaction and hugged him tightly but you pulled away immediately. "I don't like your perfume." You stated, Sherlock smelled himself and pouted at you, "You told me before we get married that this smell good now you're saying you don't like it." He said in a confused tone, he's hugging you from behind, his chin on your shoulder.

"Whatever just Change the goddamn Perfume."

"Now I think you'll be more feisty."


(A/N) Hi guys if you want to request, I'll publish a chapter where you can comment your requests. I'll tell you the mechanics enjoy love you all

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