Sherlock: Multiverse

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A/N: What will happen if Sherlock Holmes from different universes would meet each other?

(Henry Cavill, Jeremy Brett, Benedict Cumberbatch.)

Three Men woke up in an unknown forest. “What the hell am I doing here?” says the curly haired one, the other man stare at him with a frown on his face. “I don't know, who are you?” asked the man with broad shoulders, the curly haired one was about to speak but the other man probably older than them talked over him.

“We're on a forest, its clearly obvious that it rained earlier. The soil is wet.”

“Yes, it is indeed obvious but who are you?”

“Sherlock Holmes.” says the older man, the two younger men stared at him with their mouth gaped open.

“No, I'm Sherlock Holmes.” the young men answered in unison.

The curly haired Sherlock frowned. “My name is William Sherlock Scott Holmes. I have a brother name's Mycroft and my mother's name is Violet.” there was a stunned silence after that.

“My brother's name is Mycroft too but my Mother's name is Eudoria. I have a sister named Enola.”

“I only have Mycroft and my friend Doctor Watson.”

William Sherlock closed his eyes, this must be a dream but he never had a dream as vivid as this, he's not high either.

Then, the only explanation about this peculiar event. “Parallel universe..” he breathed out. The two other Holmes looked at him with their brows furrowed.

“Eliminate the impossible and whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth.”

The three looked at each other unbelievably, they said those words in unison.

“I'm gonna lose my mind.” William Sherlock Scott Holmes whispered underneath his breath.

To be continued...

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