Sherlock: Rival

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You're sitting peacefully on your office, not until D.I. Lestrade opened your office's door harshly. "(Y/N) I'm sorry for entering like this but a murder suspect wants to talk to you. Can you come with me?" He's still panting, you decided to nod and wear your coat. "Okay, Let's go."


"He's been saying that he's innocent and he said he won't say anything unless it's you." You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, you looked at the man in front of you before turning to Lestrade. "I would like to talk to him privately." Lestrade stopped for a minute to think before standing up and leaving the two of you alone. "May I know your name?" You asked. The man looked up at you, his eyes full of fear, his skin is pale and his hands are shaking. "Anthony Evans." Even his voice is shaking, you frowned at this, its impossible that this man is a murderer, he couldn't even look you in the eye and he's even stuttering, yet you chose not to say anything because you're still not sure.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" He sighed before looking at you. "Help me, prove my innocence. I didn't kill anyone! I just delivered pizzas, you need to let me go my Mother is sick and she can't work anymore." You blinked when you saw tears running down his cheeks, he looks scared. You smiles at him before speaking, "I'll be helping your Mother while you're here okay? I would review your case and see what I can do. I just want you to be honest with me if I ask you some questions alright?" He nodded before holding your hands and cry again.

"Thank you Ms.(L/N) I promise I'll be honest. Thank you." When he let go of your hand you sighed, "I'll go for now and go to your mother, I'll be back tomorrow once I review your case." The man nodded and smiled at you.


"I'm telling you Lestrade he's not the suspect!"

"Then who!"

Before you could reply two man walked inside Lestrade's office. "Hi Gabe!" You frowned at the tall man who owned the voice he have this curly hair and beside him is a man shorter than him, his face features much softer than the taller one. You rolled your eyes as you look back to Greg but he talked over you. "Sherlock, this case is already solved. We found the suspect." The curly haired man smirked at Lestrade and walked towards him when he walked passed you, your breathing hitched when you smelled his manly scent.

"Explain what happened, Detective Inspector and I'll be glad to listen." His voice is teasing, the short man beside him is just sighing maybd because of the tall man's behavior. "Sherlock be nice." The short man whispered through his gritted teeth yet he stopped when his eyes landed on you. "Oh hi, I'm Dr. John Watson." He can offered his hand for a handshake and you gladly accepted. "I'm (Y/F/N)" The tall man's gaze landed on you when he heard you spoke, your sweet voice sounded like music in his ears.

"Good Afternoon Ms. (L/N) I'm Sherlock Holmes. Garry tell me about the case." You frowned at the names he used when he's calling Lestrade, you shook you head with a giggle because you find it amusing. "This last Friday Mr. Summers was found dead on his flat, the cause is a blow on his head the murder disappeared with the suspect, what's weird in this case is a shape was formed by the victim's blood. We're still trying to figure out how he managed to draw an octagon using the victim's blood." Sherlock nipped his chins and closed his eyed, you frowned for the second time he acts strangely but cute, you blushed and since when did you learned complimenting a man? You flicked your eyes to Lestrade and glared at him.

"This is not a murder case Lestrade."

Your head turned automatically when you and Sherlock spoke at the same time, the whole room came silent and seconds later you found your courage to speak.

"This results, You do know vacuum cleaners Lestrade. I found out that Mr. Summers have a robot vacuum cleaner who cleans every time it detects dirt. I saw the crime scene there are no signs of force entry, I looked at the kitchen where you found her body and I saw a stain of blood. Mr. Summers wasn't murdered its an accident, his family had told me that one of the reasons he resigned on his work is because of his poor health condition. That day he ordered pizza, Mr. Evans came to deliver and when he left, Mr. Summers made his way to the kitchen to eat but he felt dizzy and he hit his head, his blood was detected by the vacuum and
as it cleans the kitchen it created the shape. This vacuum is Mr. Summers' we found traces of his blood in this one. Mr. Evans is not the suspect Lestrade. This is an accident."

Lestrade looked at you with his mouth gaped open. Sherlock smirked and clasped his hands together. "I told you Lestrade. You're wrong." John nudged him on his sides and he grunted in pain.

"How did you..--" you cute Lestrade off with a smirk.

"He told me that I should prove his innocence, a guilty man would be terrified if he's on that state but he's not all he think about is his sick Mother. I should go and you should free him."
You left the room and the boys were silent, John is the one who broke the silence. "You've got yourself a rival now mate." Lestrade laughed and looked up at the curly haired detective rolled his eyes, "shut up you two." He's still looking at that door, where he saw you left. He sighed as he put back his hands on his pocket.

"We will meet again, (Y/N)"

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