Sherlock: Blind Date

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"This is degrading." you hissed at your best friend while she's driving you to a coffee shop nearby. "Come on (Y/N) loosen up!" you just rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. You stared outside the window and sighed, you can't wait to go home.

"Oh here we are! Go out bitch! If you need me, I'll be right there."

"Fuck you."

She laughed at you and you headed inside the coffee shop, you looked at your phone and you saw a text message.

FROM: My Blind Date

I'm here already, I'm the only guy sitting near the window.

You sighed, your best friend was the one who made you do this, you're not really into blind dates because it doesn't end well..most of the times but today will be a different story.

With a fake smile on your lips you walked towards the guy sitting at the table near the window. "Hey! I'm (Y/N), I'm sorry if you waited." the man sitting across from you, looked at you as if you were an extraterrestrial species and you couldn't help but be conscious because of the way that he stares at you.

“Who are you and why are you sitting here? I don't do girlfriends, definitely not my area.”

Your mouth gaped open as you realized that this man wasn't the man you're suppose to meet you froze in your position and blinked numerous times and when you finally woke up in reality, a short man suddenly came and stopped dead on his tracks when he saw you, he sent a look to the taller guy and you immediately stood up. “I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!” you fel your cheeks heat up because of embarassment and you ran out of the restaurant while cussing underneath your breath.

You stomped your feet and called the number of the blind date guy, you were so annoyed of what happened, it's already degrading to agree to went on a blind date but everything gets worse when you sat on that wrong table.

You ran a hand down on your face as you wait for the guy to pick up and after some few seconds he did. [ Hullo, where are you? I can't see you eh, you didn't just ghost me missy didn't you? ] you breathed out and clenched your teeth, this guy that you're talking too is not at fault and not to be blamed for what happened but you felt the need to blame someone just so you won't be that embarassed.

“Where are you? C-Can we meet somewhere else? I mean..if it's fine with you.”

[ Tell me where you are and I'll pick you up, we can go to my place. ]

You made a frown, he misunderstood what you want to say, you were about to answer him but someone snatched your phone from behind you. “Hey! What the bloody hell—oh shit!” you gasped dramatically when you saw the curly haired man holdig your phone above his head.

You stood on your tiptoes to reach the goddamn phone but it was all meaningless because the man is a giant and obviously, you aren't as tall as he was. (Let's assume y'all are small like me *wink*)

You composed yourself back to normal and held your chin up as you looked at the guy, “P-Please give me my phone. I have a blind date and I don't want to ditch him.” you said as you tried reaching for it but the man was too smart to let you get closer.

“After what you did you'll leave just like that?”

“Well Mister, what do you want me to do? Tell you who I am, order coffee or drink tea with you is that what you want?” you raised your brow and the man took a step forward. “What a wild imagination you have...that was too advanced, you're just like John.” he commented as he looked behind him for a moment.

When he looked behind, you took the opportunity to take your phone from his hands but he suddenly turned to you and when he looked down your lips met.

Your eyes widened and you immediately pushed him away. “W-What! W-why did you looked down!” you shouted, you were about to shout at him again but you saw that he seems frozen in his position.

You took a step forward to be closer to him and you waved your hands in front of his face but the man didn't even blink, “Oh my God a-are you sick? I-I didn't mean to..shout at you but..” your sentence was cut off when you saw people nearby whispering as they look at you, you bit your lower lip and looked back to the tall guy in front of you.

“H-Hey I'm just upset because it..was my f-first kiss.  I didn't mean to shout, just give me my phone back and we're even.”

Again, no response from the curly haired angel, wait...angel?!

You shook your head to get rid of the strange thoughts and took your phone from his hands he didm't do anything, he stood still, not even blinking.

Thinking that you might've broken him or something you decided to walk away from him but someone suddenly held your arm and when you look back it was him.

“It's a bit rude to leave me just like that, you know I could sue you for what you did.” he whispered, huskily.

You gulped as you met his gaze, “S-sue me for what?” you stammered as you tried escaping from his grip but he was just too strong to let go. “The name is Sherlock Holmes, the address is 221B Baker Street..and I won't let you go because I will sue you.” you frowned and did your best to make him let go of you and he did but before you could even run he cupped your face and leaned in before whispering huskily.

“I would love to sue you for stealing my heart.”

And he kissed you deeply.


Author's Note!

Sorry!!! For being inactive ╥﹏╥ I'm so busy right now because I'm graduating and I can't blew this semester up, my parents will disown me jk. As of now this is a dedicated to June_On_The_Moon and to CassandraWade3 thank you so much for reading! Keep safe and lots of love everyone!

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