Teenlock: Math Problems

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"(Y/N), listen to me. This math problem is so easy that I could finish it in 30 seconds." Sherlock boasted and you groaned in annoyance you slammed your hands on the table and shook your head frantically, "I can't Sherlock, I can't! You can answer it right then go! Dammit I hate Math." Sherlock sighed and grab your notebook from your hands.

"Fine, go and eat cookies if you want, I heard from Mycroft that Mommy baked cookies before leaving." You clapped your hands happily and ran down the stairs and go straight to the kitchen, "Mrs. Holmes' cookies never fail me." You giggled as you grab one and eat, you took the plate full of cookie and go back to Sherlock's room. "Your math homework is done, don't forget to study it. The teacher might ask questions." You rolled your eyes and jumped on his bed, you saw him sighed deeply as he pinch the bridge of his nose, "That's so childish of you (Y/N)" you smirked and looked at him, "says the guy who still wants to be a pirate." You stuck your tongue out and he rolled his eyes as he sat at the edge of his bed, "Nothing's childish about that." He shot back, while you just pouted. "Do you like Molly?" You asked as you lean on the headboard. Sherlock looked back at you and frowned, "Where is this coming?" He asked as if the question that came out of your mouth is most dreadful thing he heard from you, "I saw you two yesterday, talking I think she likes you." You said casually but the truth is you want to cry because you're in love to your best friend Sherlock Holmes.

"Well the feeling is not mutual. (Y/N) you know that I don't like anyone except you." You almost fainted when he said those words but then your heart break when he continued, "You're my best friend." He smiled, you faked a smile and hug him to hide your teary eyes, his arms slowly wrapped around your small waist and when you pulled away from the hug he pressed his lips on your forehead. "Your heart is beating so fast that I couldn't count them, what happened?" You shook your head and jumped off the bed and ran downstairs and you shouted, "See you tomorrow Sherlock!" You ran going to your house which is just beside Sherlock's you're panting when you stopped in front of the gate but then you almost die because of shock when you saw Sherlock standing behind you.

"You forgot your homework, I don't think Mrs. Letty would like that. Why did you walked away?" He asked, stepping forward. When you stepped back he held your wrist and narrowed his eyes at you. "Your pulse is elevated, your eyes is full of fear. Are you scared of me? What did I do?" He asked worriedly, your eyes widened and shook your head as you took another step back, but its useless because you can still smell his manly scent.

"Sherlock, I think you should go home, its getting late." You grabbed your homework from him and made your way to your house but he held your wrist and pulled you towards him. The unexpected happened, he pressed his lips on yours gently, his lips brush on yours so gentle that you couldn't even feel it...

His arms are wrapped around your waist while he's still kissing you, you woke up and Pushed him lightly, "Why did you kissed me?" He smirked and pressed his lips on your forehead. "I like you, I lied earlier, I like you as a girl not as a best friend. I know you like me too and you're jealous of Molly Hooper but I'm telling you, you don't have to be jealous." Your mouth hanged open as you look at him with wide eyes.

"You like me? What the heck? Are you doing this for another experiment?! For God's sake Sherlock! I'm not a toy!" You saw him frowned and shook his head. "What the hell? (Y/N) no, I'm doing this because I like you!" He shouted, you just gasped in shock and then seconds later you cried, you felt him hug you and tapped your back. "Why Me? Sherl?" You heard him let out a deep sigh as he press his lips on the top of your head, "(Y/F/N), the girl who always bugs me whenever she's got a math homework, the girl who raids my room every day, the girl who makes my heart beat so damn fast and she can make me follow her anytime." As he said those words you can hear his heartbeats. You looked up at him and tiptoed to kiss him on his lips. "I like you too Sherl.." You whispered, he smirked and leaned down, "Even I won't solve those Math Problems for you?" You slapped his chest and you earn a chuckle from him. "Then I will ask James to solve it for me." You saw him clenched his jaw and his eyes darkened. "Go near that punk and his face will be unrecognizable." He said in a dangerous tone, you smirked and laughed after, "Touché," you kissed him lightly on his lips and he wrapped his arms on your waist but you two pushed each other lightly when you both  heard a cough from behind.

Your eyes widened when you saw who it is. "(Y/N), its getting late Mom and Dad won't be happy to see you here outside making out with noodle freak." You heard Sherlock snorted when he heard the last two words your older brother loves calling Sherlock that way because of his curls, your big brother walked inside your house and left you with Sherlock.

"I guess we need to solve a problem much complicated than your Math Homework." You giggled and kissed him on his cheeks before entering to your house, he's right he's so damn right your big brother will overreact again for sure and it can be chaotic.

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