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Adil's anger was not like a normal person being angry. He had a temper, a bad one at that. He wasn't an angry guy, no, he was taught calm and peace but when the topic was his loved ones being hurt then there is no calmness.

The anger that courses through his veins hearing that another man or any person for that matters wanted her to surrender in front of him has him see nothing but red.

If he could go back to kill that old man he would, for her. He never imagined it to go down this dirty but then again he should have thought the worst already. But, he promised himself he won't ever judge a person or think worst of anyone after he himself judge an innocent soul wrong.

"Adil, what did you do?". His father asked pulling him to stand in front of him

"I don't know. I was just so angry after she told me how that old man wanted her". He said skipping the details

"Adil, beta (son), your wife ran away because she is scared of your anger". His mother soothing voice said softly

He knew.

He had gone behind her not wanting her to be scared of him and didn't like the fear he saw when she ran away from him. That was when he felt pure pain.

"I just- I know I scared her I didn't want her to". He mumbles tiredly

"Maybe, you should avoid anger in front of her altogether if you want to win her, little brother. Because, as I see it she is scared of even small movements from anyone and anger could be her biggest fear". His brother said

"Should I apologise?". He asked to no one in particular

"You have to work and decide what you want and how you want that, beta (son). We are here for you but you are a married man and you need to be responsible for your actions and of your behaviour". His father said patting his shoulder as he holds his wife hand walking away

"He is right. We know she is special but also hurt by her own. Why don't you sit here and think about her story placing yourself in her place so you can feel her pain?. Maybe, you would be able to understand more and then work on what to do!?". His brother suggested walking away

He sat there closing his eyes as he remembers her words which also shows her fears of things and mostly how it was watching her family in anger as that resulted in being more hurt.

His fist clenched.

He walked towards the room and towards the door she had locked herself in sliding down.

"I am sorry, Sophia, I promise I didn't wish for you to be scared of me in any way. I was just angry at that man, not you, I should have controlled myself. I am truly sorry just give me another chance to understand you. I promise I will do better and take everything slow and steady". He said hoping she heard him, "I will wait for you tomorrow to join us in breakfast".

He walked away to his room laying on the bed wide awake with worry that she might be still in there all alone and scared.

The next day, he walked downstairs looking at her closed door anxiously. Once, he stepped down he heard a few voices and walked inside the kitchen. His heart stopped, as he finds his family, working with her to cook the meal.

That was one heartwarming sight he had seen in his life.

He watched how everyone remained calm, maintain distance (especially his father and brother) while they cook along with her. He smiled greeting them and his eyes remained on her who did reply to him in a soft low voice.

Everyone, took their breakfast and he looked at his family leaving him alone with her and their food in their hands.

"What about me?". He asked

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