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One month later:

She wasn't the one who knows what's best for her because all her life she never had a chance to decide for herself. The people made decisions for her saying they are best and she always remained a nobody in their eyes.

Her last and first decision she made for herself cost her everything.

Hence she realized maybe everyone was right she shouldn't make decisions for herself because they are pointless.

Her eyes feel heavy from all the crying she do at the night as she now cooks the breakfast for him. His mother prefers in her room and she understands why because when your heart is void you want to stay in a closed empty place to have it hidden to save it from more hurt.

She didn't know why his mother was the way she was and she never questioned it. All she knows that night she came home with him in her bridal dress and his coat and his mother didn't even speak a word about it instead she just walked away to her room bringing her some clothes to change it and since then she had been wearing the old clothes of his mother.

As if she was waiting for her arrival.

She feels the wisdom in the woman eyes and the warmth in her presence. Even when she speaks no words the silence is never cold it's warm like when people sit in extreme cold in front of their fireplace with a warm coffee.

That warms is what comes from her.

The only order he ever had for her was to never ever hurt his mother no matter what. He never spoke again and they never cross path much in this month. She would cook breakfast and walk away and the same goes for all other meals.

He walks downstairs wearing his watch when he catches the glimpse of her body fading away. He knows she must have taken her tea to the roof to look at the view since their house is in a hill it gives a beautiful view.

His father was a nature lover and he always said that nature is the thing made by Lord and that's why is it tends to bring peace and relief to souls that are broken and damaged.

He wonders what damaged her.

His friend examination about her almost being molested leave a mark on him more than he wanted it to. He always wonders at several nights about what she must have felt and how she is dealing with it.

His dreams only intensified after her arrival as the woman always screams for help from him but he was nowhere near able to help her. He is always chained down by something and couldn't reach her. His father never came back.

What did happened one of the night he saw the same dream is after he woke from the dream he had a deep thirst that he went out of his room to go to the kitchen for however he walks towards her door and he heard her weeping.

She wasn't weeping at a lose it seems she was weeping for something deeper. It always seems that she cries for someone or because of that person and he wanted to know who.

But he couldn't.

He walks to his office building looking at his files to not think of the women he left at his house.

She brought his mother to a garden after a talking session with her. She has finally spoken to her and it seems that something pierces her (his mother) from within that she spoke to her or maybe she finds something similar in them.

A lose, perhaps.

They both stay silenced looking at the various types of people in the garden forgetting everything around them.

Nature heals.

He dialled her number for the hundredth time but she didn't answer. He had come home early and it was nearly three hours now that he had no idea of his mother or her. She did call him once but that was all because he was in meetings he didn't answer it.

The Tales of love- Iحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن