25.4:"Loving Rebel".

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*phew* I think this is far most anticipated chapter everyone is waiting for.

I hope you enjoy the ending.

Thank you for the love.



She slept for some more time until she was awake again looking at the ceiling thinking about his words.

He accepts her.

She smiles blushing at his words and his eyes looking at her. Good thing she is sick so she acted like she wanted to sleep.

She heard the bell ringing and decided it was time to head down to look at the girls. She freshens up walking downstairs hearing the shouting.

"Why did you take an off?. Does your father pay your instalments just so you can stay at home?". His mother yelled at the girls

She walks down faster hearing those words looking at the girls shivering in fear standing in front of that woman, "No, he pays them for them to excel in their lives and to be able to stand tall in front of the world. Not to be burdened and insulted for it".

Their eyes turn towards her and the girls immediately run towards her hugging her tightly and crying.

"You". His mother said angrily

"Ammi". They heard Yahya voice booming through the house as he stands beside her

She asked the girls to go back to their room not wanting them to hear the next exchange.

"She is here for less than two days and already she is destroying everything I have built". His mother shouted

"What exactly is that you build?". She asked challenging

His mother glares at her, "When that cheap woman left her children three years back I was the one who handled this house and helped those two kids to not feel left alone. I took care of everything".

"Really?. Because as far as I know, you were never home". She said smirking

His mother eyes widen, "What?. You are trying to blame me?".

"No". She said shortly taking steps down, "Do you want me to get that woman who told you about me?. She is one of the women who you have your kitty parties you have all the time. Or do you want me to bring the kids back down to speak?. I can ask the security to bring the footage to show how many times you have actually stayed home so what exactly do you mean by you are the reason this house works?".

"What is the meaning of this, Ammi?". Yahya asked shocked

"You are doubting me?". His mother said with fake tears, "You are doubting your own mother over a girl who hasn't been here for two days?. I was the one who raised you and your children. How can you say this to me?".

She sighs feeling pain in her head from this drama. She dialled the number placing it one speaker.

"I am sure you know who I am". She speaks to the same aunt who told his mother about her, "Just before I tell your husband about your hidden life I would like if you start speaking and also send me the video and pictures immediately".

"No, stop". His mother said scared

"S-She is always with us every day at all-time betting money (a lot) and complaining about the kids. She told us how she threatens them that she will throw them out if they speak to their father or if they ever don't listen to her. She takes all the money Yahya provide for the girls care betting it". The aunt explained

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