35.3:"The need of Forbidden fruit".

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Yes! Double update 🙈



He knows from the start that holding her hand was trouble.

And she knows that the moment she decided to hold his hand she was in for trouble.

They were both in trouble.

He looks at her sleeping after the doctor had done her surgery removing the bullet from her hand. He looks down at the papers in his hand that they have agreed to be in a sacred bond of Lord under pressure and he isn't even sure what to do next.

Once they have signed the document they both fainted from the blood loss. They were taken to the nearby doctor from the village and they were thrown here with the papers beside them.

He sighs.

There is no way to communicate with anyone outside and the doctor had left without even looking at her again. He isn't even sure if she is doing alright and when she is supposed to open her eyes. The worries eat him every single minute he spends beside her.

The door opens and an elderly woman walks in with something in her hand and she stands from the chair he was on making her sit on it. The woman didn't even look at him or speak to him instead she holds her hand applying the Henna on them.

"What are you doing?". He asked confused

"The woman of our village needs to apply Henna when they get married. It's a sign that they are married". The woman spoke

He held the urge to not roll his eyes and he absolutely hates the scent of the Henna so he walks outside to refresh his mind and to find a way to leave this place. As he walks outside he halts when he found the doctor.

"When can we leave?. How is she?. When will she wake up?". He asked altogether

"You can leave in two days so your wound doesn't open again. She is good just she lost plenty of blood so she should be awake tomorrow". The doctor replied walking away

He walks past the people and since there weren't many he finds the van man yet again.

"I need your van to drive us back". He ordered

"I was told about it. I will see you after two days right here". The man said walking away

He sighs.

Since this was sorted he needs to find both of them clothes so he walks back inside to ask that elderly woman. As he opens the door his breathing stopped when he finds a man leaning over her. It didn't even take him a second before he pushed the man away from her punching him hard on his face and continued to do so until his shouting brought some village man inside the room who pulled him off.

"I will kill him for touching her. What kind of filthy man is he that he is trying to rape a woman and that too a woman who is unconscious?". He roared angrily, "Because of filth like these our woman is living in fear day in and out with no freedom".

He was pushed back by the man and the other was taken away from there. He pushed the man off him walking towards her to find any damage. At first, his eyes went to her shoulder where the man had dragged her clothes down revealing it and the mark there. He quickly covers it moving his eyes away and covering her with the sheet properly. He holds her pale cold face in his hands looking at any sign of wound but thankfully there wasn't any besides some old marks of the nail on her jawline which made him frown as he remembers the first time when they met in the store.

It's from there.

As the realisation kicked in, he felt guilty for not stopping the man earlier and not punching him after. He caresses the cut on her jawline with his finger feeling disgusted that he had made it worse for her than it would have if he wasn't involved in her matter and even worse when his own sister was the one in trending against her.

The Tales of love- Iحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن