41.5:"The world we need to make".

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It was raining heavily.

He stands in front of his window looking at the rain pouring down on the ground drenching it. He knows it by his heart that the sky was weeping along with the woman just a little away from his room.

Unfortunately, as she said those words the doctor decided it was the best time to enter and then on they were preoccupied with Zainab that they didn't have a chance to continue their talk.

Now, it was night and the sky was lighting with thunderous noises letting him know that someone was as angry as this thunder.

If she was the rain then he was the thunder.

Because the bubble of anger that had taken place in his chest wasn't anywhere near calming down. It was only increased by every passing minute.

Obviously, he had known such matters while saving his mother from knowing them. He had always come around the filth along with his father and running an orphanage was never a piece of cake rather it was a continuous battle of saving lives and knowing the world a little deeper.

He was built strong.

Or so he thought.

Because the moment he had heard about what happened to her he was losing his senses and all the rational thoughts at once. He didn't even realise that he was worked up to the point that he would have dragged everyone and tied them to the tree to let them know what she went through even if it meant he will end up being a criminal.

It's simple, really.

The unjust justice system is no mystery to anyone. If one wants justice they can spend years for it and still not have it and if someone returns the favour to their criminal having their own justice- they will be a criminal who will be brought to justice while the original criminal will leave without being convicted.

So much for justice.

There was something else he felt just as strong as anger. It was agony- the pain to know that someone he cared for had gone through something so terrible. He had always saved his mother yet the two new women in his life had gone through all kind of hardship and he wasn't able to do a thing.

He watched a figure walking to the garden where they have a fountain similar to the orphanage because his mother loves it. She stands in the rain drenching to her bones and he knows for the fact that she was crying and he couldn't bear to look at it from here anymore.

She stands under the rain trying her best to know the reason for what went wrong that she engraved with this pain in this world. As much as she looks around now she realises that her father shielding her from the real world that she never realise that the real world is all about pain. It is meant to cut through your heart and make it bleed. There is no precaution and no way of being safe for so long.

She closes her eyes as she turns her head towards the sky taking a deep breath. It wasn't until the rain stopped pouring at her that she opened her eyes blinking them as she finds an umbrella over her shielding her away from the darkness.

He walks to stand in front of her under the same umbrella watching her intently.

"They were Omar and Huzaifa, weren't they? They are your family". It was his question to say at least he just needed confirmation

He thought long and hard that's when he joined the pieces together. Omar was the one she saw in the market that had her shake in terror. Omar was her brother and Huzaifa was her father who he always found lost in his world.

"Yes. They are my family". She said chuckling bitterly, "I don't think they are my family anymore. They died for me approximately four months ago".

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