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"I cannot do this anymore". She said as tears strained her beautiful face

He exited his brand new car he had bought from exclusive collection walking inside his villa with his bag in his hand.

His stepped halted as the no-life villa greeted him yet again. Once, this place was filled with so many noises he loved to hear, now it's just him and emptiness.

He asked his house worker to leave him alone as he walked inside his room increasing his temper even more. The feeling in his heart seems to be there even after years. But, he couldn't just allow himself to accept that she left him for the thing he worked for so hard.

Wasn't this what she wanted?.

He had asked this question probably every second of the day that passes by increasing his chance of not having her back and her slipping away from him.

They promised to get old together.

How come those promises were broken so easily?. How can she just walk out of him?. Why did she leave him?.

He throws the vase on the mirror where her image in that same mirror she used to stand in front of every single day of them living together appeared.

"You cannot keep doing this to yourself". His friend said sitting on the chair in front of him looking at his distraught appearance

He used to be well maintained once and he used to be someone who used to take care of his image in front of everyone and wanting to be known was now sitting in one of the best offices with nothing that is actually valuable.

"You don't understand. Every second of my life I think of her". He said frustrated, "No matter how much I try she is everywhere. She is within me".

"Why did you let her go?". His friend asked

He stopped.

He looked at his friend frowning, "Do you know what she meant by....?".

His friend shrugged, "Instead of failing to erase her try thinking from that sharp brain as to why she left. What was valuable to her and not you".

He holds her frame looking in her beautiful eyes thinking about the questions that are being thrown at him with no answer or even a source he can understand from.

In his years of education, he was granted the top student every year without a pause beside when she came in and took that position. He used to be so angry at her but then he couldn't stay angry with someone like her.

But, now, even that sharp brain is not of any help. Each day, he is drifting farther and farther away from the motive he had set for himself and no matter how much he tries to grasp the situation.

The void stays.

"Why is the owner not accepting the deal?". He said narrowing his eyes at his employee, "I know we offered a generous amount and everyone sell their property in a minute to us. Then, why are you not able to do it?".

"S-Sir, she said something is more valuable than money". His employee said

His heart clenched.

"You shouldn't be running after money that will not stay".

He dismissed his employee after he decided he will deal with the owner of that bakery himself. He needs that land to build his first-class mall that is on hold because of it. Its a multi-billion project with so much to it.

He paced around angrily thinking of a solution to have the owner accept his offer but the owner had already rejected all the offers on the table. How can someone reject such a large amount of money?.

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