Chapter 2

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My least favorite class in the entire world would probably be biology. Every year, we get new lab partners, and it's yet another time for me to be humiliated. Everyone pairs up with their friends, so I always get stuck with someone I don't know or like.

I inch along the halls, the things I would do to get out of this class are unreal. Due to my slow pace, I open the door to the classroom and everyone else is already lined up against the walls.

"Madison, how nice of you to join us," says Ms. May.

"It's Maddie," I say, as I roll my eyes.

She ignores me and continues speaking. "I know most of you are probably curious as to what is going on. This year, the principal and I have decided to pick your partners, rather than letting you chose them yourself."

Everyone groans, but not me. With this new policy, I won't have to embarrass myself with not having any friends to partner with. It's especially important that I don't embarrass myself, more than usual, because Zach and Megan are in my class.

As the class fidgets, eagerly waiting for the partners to be announced, I rub my sweaty palms on my jeans.

Ms. May begins to read off the partners from her list. As expected, Megan gets paired with her friend, Sofia. Not only do they have the students fooled, they also seem to have the teachers wrapped around their little fingers.

Ms. May finishes reading. "Our last pair is Maddie and Zach. Please take your seats everyone, and open to page thirty of your textbooks."

My heart skips a beat, Zach Williams just became my new lab partner.

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