Chapter 27

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"Hey princess"


"You look cute"

I look down at my skater skirt and vans. I look back up to see a smile on his face

"Why are you eating lunch in the library?" Liam asks
I sigh, "I didn't feel like talking to people"
"Wanna talk to me" he asks
"I got in a fight with my dad yesterday" I say

"That can't be good"
"I'm fine" I say
"Maddie I know you to well. I'm not falling for that"
"I know" I say quietly
"Let's get out of here"
I raise an eyebrow at him, "okay"

Liam offers me a hand, "let's go"

We walk out of school together, he opens the car door for me before getting in on his side.

Liam turns his head to me "Six flags?"
"Oh my god!! Yes!!!" I squeal
Liam smiles, "you haven't changed at all"

We pull up in the parking lot, as soon as Liam buys our passes I pull him towards the roller coasters.

"Okay, we've been on all the roller coasters now what?" I ask
"We missed this one" Liam point out
"Oh right let's go" I say

We walk towards the last roller coaster, we wait in line for an eternity but it's finally out turn.

We drop right away and I scream, Liam laughs beside me. "
Scared princess?" He teases
"Just a little" I admit

By the time we go on all the good rides it getting dark, I shiver.
Liam pulls of his sweatshirt and hands it to me, "here"
"Thanks" I say

Liam drives me home and I give him his sweatshirt back. My phone rings, I answer it, it's Zach.

"Why'd you leave school"
"I ditched"
"With who"
"Liam" I answer
"We went to six flags, I just needed a little fun"
"I could have taken you"
"Sorry he offered and I didn't feel like suffering through algebra"
"It's ok, did you just get home"

"Maddie!" I hear my dad yell

"It's my dad, sorry I gotta go" I hang up

"Hey dad" I say nervously
"Why weren't you at school in the afternoon"
I sigh, "I went to six flags with Liam. I just needed a little fun"
"It's not gonna happen again right"
"Go get some sleep you look exhausted"
I surprise my dad by pulling him in for a hug, "night dad"
"Goodnight Maddie" he says and kisses the top of my head

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