Chapter 35

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I wake to the sound of my alarm, I'm meeting Zach today. I scramble out of bed. Ever since he got out of the hospital 2 weeks ago I've been spending almost every day with him. We go to school together, and literally do everything together. People say were inseparable, and it's true. Zach makes me happier than anyone else, I don't know what I would do without him.

I grab my phone and call him,
"So what are we gonna do on our day of fun" I ask

"Well I was thinking we could go for a walk" Zach says

"A walk?" I ask

"I was kidding," he teases, "let's go to the lake"

"K, give me 30 minutes to get ready and I'll meet you there" I say
"See you there" he hangs up

I sit on near the water, the lake looks beautiful today. Zach comes and sits next to me, "I hate my life"

"Don't say that" I sat quietly
"It's the truth" he admits
"You can't focus on the bad things, you have to look at the good"
"your the only good thing in my life right now"
"What about your parents"
"They don't care, they just want me to die"
"Stop lying"
"I'm not, I heard them. They were talking to the doctor about the surgery, after he left I heard them say that everything would just be easier if I was gone"
"They don't mean that"
"Yes, they do. I'm just an obstacle, I'm screwing up everyone's lives with my problems"
"Your not an obstacle Zach"
"I'm in the way"
"Your not in my way"

Zach turns his head to look at me, "don't you wish your life was normal, that you didn't have a boyfriend who was dying"
"You said the surgery worked" I protest
Zach curses under his breath
"I'm sorry Maddie."

I close my eyes, "what's going on"

"The surgery didn't exactly go like the doctors planned. It was too late, as soon as my immune system was vulnerable the cancer spread."

My hands fly to my mouth, I gasp, tears stream down my face.
"It spread everywhere," he whispers, "I'm dying, there's nothing I can do. There's nothing anyone can do."

My shoulders shake and his arms wrap around me,
"I'm going to make my last days count, just like you told me to"
"I don't want to see a world without you, I need you, more than you think"

Zach buries his head in the crook of my neck, "it's going to be okay, I'm still here"

I sniffle, "how long"
Zach shakes his head, "it doesn't matter"
"Please" I whisper, "just tell me"

"2 weeks at most"

"You lied to me"
"You said everything was okay, that you were fine"
"I didn't want you to worry"
"Zach" I say softly, "you can tell me anything"
"Okay, I need you to do something for me"
"anything" I answer
"Speak at my funeral,"
"Please Maddie"
"Okay" I agree and lean against him.

I'm not ready for us to end, I don't want Zach to leave. He's my whole world, I'll have nothing left.

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