Chapter 34

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"Maddie calm down its gonna be okay" Liam tries to calm me
"I can't calm down, all I can think about is never seeing him again." I sob

Liam wraps his arms around me, "think positive princess"

"I'm cold" Sofia grumbles from across the waiting room. I can tell she's just waiting for Liam to offer her his sweatshirt,

"Buy a heater" Liam smirks

I smile for what seems like the first time in a week. Ever since Zach has been in the hospital I've been really depressed. My dad considered putting me back in group but I refused, there's no way I'm going back to that living hell.

I spend most of my days here, in the hospital, waiting for some kind of news. It's been a 2 weeks and I haven't heard anything. Liam comes with me some times and Sofia always feels the need to tag along.

The doctors say Zach is doing well, but that doesn't explain why they won't let me see him. I'm here as often as his parents, I just need to see him. I'm driving myself crazy.

Every time someone walks in the room I look up, hoping it's one of Zach's doctors. I'm always disappointed. I've stopped looking, but I haven't stopped caring.

"He's gonna be okay princess"
"No stop, don't be so negative. How can you expect Zach to be okay if you keep telling yourself he's not. I know how much he cares about you, if he has any say in the matter he'll be sticking around for a long time."

"But that's just it, he doesn't get a say. He doesn't get to chose what happens"

Liam falls silent after my response, I know he's trying, but it's just not working.

Someone enters the room, I immediately look up. Zach's doctor, I jump out of my chair,

"How he is, when I can I see him," I blurt out

"Well first I'm doing great, second you can see me right now, and third-"

I shriek and throw my arms around him, "Zach!"

"And third, I missed you"
"I missed you too," I whisper, "how are you"
Zach's expression changes, "don't worry about it, everything's okay"
"Don't lie to me"
"Everything's good Maddie, let's just get out of here. I need some fun"
I smile, "okay"
Zach slings his arm across my shoulders and kisses my cheek. We walk out of the hospital hand in hand.

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