Chapter 23

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I wake up with a headache, I groan, not today! I roll over a check the time, I'm late. I scramble out of bed and grab a hoodie and leggings from my closet. I throw my hair in a bun and run down the stairs. I grab an apple and my bag and call Megan.
"I need a ride to school" I demand
"I'm already here, you can walk" she snaps and hangs up.

I sigh, schools not that far, but by the time I get there it's halfway through first period. I enter the room and everyone looks at me like I killed someone. Luckily it's my smallest class, health. I set my bag on the floor and take a seat in the back. I grab my apple and kick my feet up on the desk in front of me.

"Maddie looks like you'll be joining me for the afternoon" says Mr. Adams handing me a detention slip. I shrug, it's not like I got anything better to do.

The rest of the day goes by quickly considering I slept through basically all my classes. I get my stuff from my locker before heading to the detention room. I hand in my slip and take a seat near the window. I grab my head phones and scroll through my music before clicking shuffle. I shut my eyes and just let the music play.

The door opens and someone shuffles into the room I open my eyes to see Dylan. He smiles at me, "hey, this seat taken?"
"Yes" I grin
"Really cause I don't see anyone sitting here" he teases
I laugh, "yea you can sit"

Dylan shakes his head with a smile on his face and sits down. He grabs one of my earbuds and laughs. "One direction really?"
I blush, "their music's good!"
"My little sisters obsessed with them" Dylan says
"I'm not obsessed I just like their music" I say
He flashes me a smile, we both turn to look at the door. Zach walks in. He sees me and smiles, suddenly his smile turns to a frown. He saw Dylan, he walks over and takes the seat across from Dylan and I.
"Hey" Zach says
"Hey" Dylan answer, and I nod in his direction

Zach and Dylan are silent for a moment, both staring at me. I sigh and put my headphones away.

"what" I ask
"Nothing" Zach says blushing
I smirk, "really"
"Really" Dylan interrupts
I roll my eyes,
"The sass is real" Dylan teases
I laugh loudly, resulting in a shush from the teacher
Zach frowns, "hey Maddie?"
"Yea" I say turning to look at him
"Do you need a ride home?" He asks
I smile, "sure thanks!"

Finally detentions over, Zach and I walk out of the building. As soon as we're in the parking lot he holds my hand in his. Our fingers interlock, he uses his free hand to open my door for me. We get in and I turn on the radio, Zach pulls out of the lot.

After a few minutes Zach turns down the radio.
"I have a question" he blurts out
"Is there something going on with you and Dylan?"
"What! Of course not"
"Okay, good"
"You know you don't have anything to worry about"
He raises an eyebrow at me, I sigh before continuing,
"Well you are my boyfriend"
"I know, I just didn't know if we were official"
"Dude you asked me to be your girlfriend, that's pretty official"

Zach laughs, "I know I just wanted to hear you say it"
I give him a look but it only makes him laugh harder.

We pull up in my driveway

"Bye Zach" I say sarcastically
He groans
"What?" I ask
"No goodbye kiss" he whines
I grin, "hmmm..."
"Maddie!" Zach whines
"Okay, okay" I say and give him a kiss.
He smiles "text me later ok?"
"Maybe if I'm feeling nice" I tease, "yes I'll text you"

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