Chapter 24

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"So you and Zach" Megan says as I walk in the room
"What?" I say
"You and Zach are together" she says as I sit down next to her in the couch

"Well are you together?" She insists
I nod
"Be careful okay" she says
"Why" I ask
"Sofia, she likes Zach"
"I know" I reply
"I don't want you to get hurt, especially after Liam. I can't handle having you in the hospital again" Megan says quietly
"Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask
"I know you think I'm heartless but I'm not. You're my sister Maddie."

I don't say anything I just hug her,
"Zach is a good guy, he's not going to hurt you" she says
"I know, he's not like Liam" I say
"I'm sorry" she says, "about Liam"
"It's ok, he wasn't right for me anyway" I reply
"I missed you" she says
"I missed you too"

The doorbell interrupts our moment.

"Who is it?" I ask Megan
"I don't know, I didn't invite anyone over" she says shrugging

I walk over to the door and open it, "Liam!" I say shock

"Hey princess" he says and kisses me
I push him off of me, "what are you doing here"
"I missed you" he says

I've been avoiding Liam all day,

"You never texted me" Zach says, I hear a bit of anger in his voice
"I'm sorry, something happened and I-"
"What happened" Zach interrupts

"Good morning beautiful" Liam says, kissing me on the cheek
"Who is this" Zach asks angrily
"Um" I say," this is my ex Liam"
"I'm not your ex" Liam says, "we never broke up"

I stare at him, "are you serious! You cheated on me with my sister and then left, you didn't bother to tell me where you were going or when you were coming back."

"You have to let me explain princess" he says
"No, just leave me alone" I say angrily and grab Zach hand

As soon as we're alone,
"tell me everything now" Zach says angrily
I nod, "at the end of last year I dated Liam, we had been dating for a while. One day I came home and he was with Megan. He cheated on me, the next day he wasn't at school. He left and didn't tell anyone where he was going. He ruined me"

By the time I finished I'm crying. Zach wraps his arms around me, I lean my head against his chest.
"I'm sorry I got mad" he whispers
"It's okay" I sniffle
"Are you sure" he asks thoughtfully
I nod, "I hate him"
"I hate him too"
"Because he hurt you"

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