Chapter 4

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Over the last few days, I've gotten to know Zach through our talks during biology. He's not at all what I thought he'd be. Actually, I think he's better than what I imagined.

Sometimes, you meet someone and you just click. You get comfortable and you don't have to pretend to be something you're not.

That how I feel with Zach. He has a way of making everyone feel special, like they actually matter. He makes me feel like I have a purpose, and that's something that no one has ever made me feel before.

I suppose he makes plenty of other girls feel special, but at least I can say I'm one of them.

My daydream is cut short, as the bell rings. I rise from my desk and grab my bag, shoving my pile of papers inside quickly before leaving the classroom.

Every time I'm in the halls, I walk quickly and close to the lockers. I don't want to be seen or stopped by anyone. I take a deep breath and step into the hallway, which is swarming with people. I duck my head, although this doesn't exactly work out the way I planned.

"Hey, Madison," Sofia taunts. I pretend I don't hear her, and keep walking quickly to my next class.

"I know you heard me," she calls.

I feel the anger rising inside me, but I push it back down. I can't afford to get in trouble this year, not with my failing grades.

Sofia catches up with me, along with Megan and Kaylie. Sofia shoves me into the lockers, and everyone around us snickers.

I attempt to walk faster, to escape. I can't let them see me cry, it would only making them have more control. As hard as I try, it gets to me every time. They've been bullying me for years, and the whole time I've been holding the pain inside me.

In group therapy, they tell me I have to share, and let others in. I won't, I can't. I can't let anyone in, they can't see how broken I am on the inside.

I open the doors to the English classroom, safety at last. I sigh with relief, Demi is in this class with me. Demi isn't exactly my friend, well, no one is. Although, she's the closest thing I have to one. We bond over our mutual hate for Sofia, Megan, and Kaylie. I feel like she's the only other person who sees how mean they really are.

Demi is a lot braver than I am. Unlike me, she's not afraid to stand up for herself. She has confidence, something that I lack.

Even though we aren't the best of friends, I know that if I ever need someone I can go to her. She's the kind of person that will always be there for you, no matter what. Sometimes, I wish I could be that kind of person: loyal and confident.

I know that could never really happen, I've faced reality.

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