Chapter 12

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During biology Dylan walks in, our teacher does the normal new student speech and pairs him with Kaylie. Dylan waves to me before sitting down.

Zach turned to me, "Do you know him?"
"Yea I met him yesterday while I was skateboarding" I answer
"Oh" he replied
"Why do you ask?"
"Just wondering"

At the end of class we get assigned a project, "Do you want to work on it after school?" Zach asks me
"Your place or mine?"
"Yours" I say quickly
"Okay, I'll meet you by your locker at the end of the day"

When last period finally comes I sit and watch the clock counting down the minutes until I can see Zach. The bell rings, yes! I practically sprint to my locker, Zach is already waiting for me.
"Sorry I'm late" I say catching my breath
"I was early" he replies smiling

We walk out the building together and walk in the direction of his house. When we get there Zach lets us in and we go up to his room. I set my stuff down and look around, "nice room"
"Thanks" he says
I sigh,"project time"

Zach groans, "we don't actually have to work if you know what I mean"

I laugh, "I was hoping you'd say that"

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