Chapter 33

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A couple months ago I would never have imagined myself sitting in a doctors office with Zach Williams waiting to find out what my tissue type is. A couple months ago I was the quiet girl in the back of class that went to support group. Now I'm dating Zach Williams, and I'm on the soccer team. It's amazing how your life can change so much in such a short amount of time.

Before I went into the test the doctors explained everything to me.

Zach is a excellent candidate for this surgery because his cancer hasn't spread to other parts of his body, he's also very young. Although he has cancer the rest of his body is pretty healthy, he's in great shape and doesn't have any other problems.

The test will look at my body's antigens, if Zach and I have a very similar pattern the transplant should go smoothly.

Zach's finger taps on his chair, I can see how anxious he is. I place my hand on his and try and calm his jitters.

"Zach it's gonna be okay, calm down"

"How I'm I supposed to calm down, I can't think straight. I don't know what's going to happen and I'm scared. Really scared. What if something goes wrong, what if-"

"Enough with the what ifs, everything might work out and it might not. Maybe it doesn't work out, but maybe seeing if it does will be the real adventure"

"I don't get an adventure Maddie. I don't get to live my life"

"Don't say that"

"It's the truth, I'm not like everyone else. I can just throw away my days, I don't know how many I have left. Every night I lay awake looking at the ceiling. What if I don't wake up in the morning. What happens if I don't wake up, I'll be dead. I won't have the chance to say goodbye. I won't get married, have kids, go to college. I don't get to enjoy my life. I'm just waiting to die, my life doesn't matter anymore."

"Your right, we don't know how many days you have left, but I'm going to make sure that the days you do have are the best."

Our conversation is interrupted by Zach's doctor,
"Looks like we have our donor."

Zach's face lights up, I've missed his smile.

"Your patterns were close enough. All we have to do is pick the date, we have some preparing to do. Zach you will be in the hospital for a while. Our procedures will leave your immune system vulnerable, it will take time for the stem cells to work. Maddie we really appreciate this" He finishes

I gulp, "of course"

Zach calls his parents as we leave the doctors, he tells them the good news and I can hear them screaming. As soon as he hangs up the phone his arms wrap around me. He pulls me in for a tight hug,
"Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me" he whispers
"You know I'd do anything for you" I reply, kissing his lips gently

He smiles and buries his head in the crook of my neck, I lean against his chest.

It seems as time stops for us, the only thing that matters is that I'm in his arms. When I'm with him I'm safe, when I'm with him, I'm home.

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