Chapter 10

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Today has already been hard enough, with everything that happened this morning, I'm definitely in a fragile state. To make it even worse, it's time for gym, which just may be the worst class ever. Even worse than biology, which I hate a little less now, thanks to Zach.

I head to the locker rooms and grab my gym clothes. I hate the stupid clothes were forced to wear. The sky blue t-shirts aren't so bad, but the tight black shorts make me insecure. I hate wearing shorts that barely cover anything, I have the grossest legs ever.

I finish changing and enter the gym to find out that we're spending the period running. Some days, my gym teacher is incredibly uncreative, so we just run laps.

Apparently we're starting our basketball unit tomorrow. The rest of my class seems thrilled about this, well the boys at least. Me on the other hand? Basketball is yet another thing I can add to the list of things I hate.

Once gym is over, I start changing back into my regular clothes. Just as I'm about to leave the locker room, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi Maddie." Sofia sneers.

"You're going to pay for earlier," Kaylie says.

"Watch your back," says Megan, and they walk out of the doors, leaving me alone.

I'm not ready for even more torment from them, I can't do it.   

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