Chapter 6

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For once, I'm actually kind of proud of myself. I shared at group, and it takes a lot for me to do something like that.

I unlock the door to my house. "I'm home!" I yell.

My dad walks out of the kitchen. "We're having guests, so go clean your room."

"What guests?" I ask.

"Zach and his parents, now go clean your room like I asked."

I can tell he's getting angry, so I run up the stairs and quickly close the door to my room.

I wonder why Zach and his parents are coming over. Probably another one of Megan's attempts to flirt with him. She never gives up on him, it's like she's determined to make him hers, and not anyone else's.

My room is a mess, so I have a lot of work to do. I pick up the piles of clothes off my floor and throw them into the hamper, then I begin to make my bed. Once I'm finished, I open my backpack and lay a few notebooks on my desk. It's not like I'm actually going to use them, it'll just make my dad think that I'm going to start trying in school this year.

Besides my desk, my room doesn't have a lot of furniture. I have a dresser next to my window seat, and my bed is across from it. Once the other side of the desk is the door to my bathroom.

I walk into my bathroom, and shove a few random things on the counter into the cabinet. I face my mirror and begin to examine my reflection. I'm not exactly pretty, my straight brown hair reaches just below my shoulders. My face is narrow, and the only thing I actually like is my eye color. I got my eyes from my mom, and they're grey.

My thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell, Zach is here. I run my fingers through my hair before going down the stairs.

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