Chapter 21

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I get in line for lunch and look around me. The cafeteria is just like any other high school cafeteria.

Jocks at one table along with the popular girls aka my sister and her friends. Then the nerds, outcasts, and finally the random people in the corner. I don't really fit in anywhere so I get my food and sit down at an empty table near the corner.

I'm close enough to the popular table to overhear, I listen to Zach and his friends.
"So dude I'm having this party tonight," Ethan tells Zach, "it's not a big part just us (referring to himself, Zach, Drew, Megan, Sofia, and Kaylie) and I guess if you want to invite that chick"

Zach blushes, "she's not a chick"
"Really, cause I know you two are getting comfortable"
Zach only continues to get redder,
"Invite her" Ethan demands
"I will, okay" he says and gets to to throw out his food.

At the end of the day I still haven't gotten an invitation from Zach. Maybe he wasn't talking about me, maybe there's another girl. I was only overhearing so they probably weren't talking about me. I feel tears coming to my eyes,

"Hey" Zach says softly placing a hand on my waist
I smile,"hey"
He laughs,
"you need to smile more often" he says before giving me a quick kiss
"What was that for?" I ask
"What, in not allowed to kiss my girlfriend" he teases
"I didn't know I was your girlfriend"

"Well, I-uh...if you want." He stutters, "what I mean to say is, will you be my girlfriend"

My heart pounds in my chest, "hmm I don't know..." I tease
Zach leans in and kisses me again, "how bout now"
"Yes" I say and he wraps his arms around me.

Zach pulls away, "so there's this thing tonight at Ethan's place tonight, wanna come?"
"Cool, I'll pick you up at 8"
"Perfect" I say a grin forming in my face. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him on the cheek before leaving school.

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