Chapter 2

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My phone began ringing it's usual ringtone of Spring Day which was the sound of the tone. I didn't really know who it was by though.

My rejection calls always made me happy. I felt like I was helping others with something I couldn't help myself with.

And it looks like it was time to get to work.

I answered the call, "Hel-"

"Eunjae please come back! I'm begging you, this isn't fair. I'll forgive you for all of it, I don't even care anymore. I love you and we have our kids to worry about! Please don't be like this."

I froze. My program had been running for awhile, but I'd never received a caller this frantic. Especially one that has kids. But still, I had a sworn duty to do.

"Hello. This is the rejection hotline. If you were given this number, it means that the person you received this from is not interested in you whatsoever and got so fed up that they gave you my number instead of rejecting you. May I ask where you got this number so I can help you understand why you got rejected?"

There was silence on the other end for a moment.


"I should've known her snake friends would've done this. Crap, what the hell am I supposed to do now?!"

He sounded more distraught than most did. My curiosity got the best of me.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I sound okay?! No random home-wrecker, I am not okay. And my stupid fiancée is so petty for doing this."

I bit my lip. This guy clearly had issues.

"Do you even understand how pointless your job is?! Why do you get involved anyway? You're that stupid rejection hotline all the kids are talking about these days and it's honestly the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of!"

I scoffed at his ignorance.

"I'd be happy to educate you on why I do this," I snapped.

"Oh my god, spare me. I don't care about the reason for you starting something so childish. You're probably some teenager with no life anyway. Why don't you study hard instead of wasting your time meddling?"

I glared at my phone. How could this caller be so rude?

"No wonder that Eunjae person left you," I remarked.

The line went silent on the other end. I thought I might've taken it too far.

"You don't know me and you don't know Eunjae. Why am I even wasting my time with someone like you anyway? Whatever, sorry for bothering you."

Something in me, despite being very irritated by his attitude, made me want to know more.

"Wait! Look, we clearly don't like each other, but I've had some experience in bad relationships. I'd be willing to help."

"Thanks but no thanks random stranger. I'd rather deal with my issues on my own without the help of a nosy teenager."

"Oh my god, dude, I'm literally twenty-five but go off I guess," I rolled my eyes.

There was a pause yet again.

"Hmph, how disappointing. Look random lady, thanks for ruining my day or whatever, hope to never talk to you again."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. I was just trying to be nice, but whatever.

"Do you at least know who Eunjae is?"

"What's her last name?" I asked.

"Lim. Lim Eunjae."

My eyes widened in shock, "You were engaged to THE Lim Eunjae?! Like that crazy awesome fashion designer?!"

"Yes! Do you know her?"

"Not personally, but I love her work. Her pieces are really nice," I said.

"Great so you don't know anything useful. Well thanks for wasting my time stranger."

Now I was intrigued. He was engaged to Lim Eunjae and yet she clearly gave him the rejection hotline number.

"Before you go, if you don't feel like I'm prying too much, why would your fiancée give you this number?" I asked.

I wasn't sure he was going to answer. Maybe he'd hang up the phone or maybe he'd curse me out before hanging up the phone.

"For the record, you are prying too much, but I guess they troubled you enough so it's only fair that I play along with your gimmick. My ex-fiancée dumped me a while ago and I honestly didn't care because she cheated on me, was never home, and manipulated me, but our kids are growing up without a mother and they need a mom. They miss her. So I tried to contact her but I guess she changed her number. Then I finally go ahold of one of her friends so I asked them to talk to her, but they gave me a number saying it was hers. It was yours in case you didn't get that. So there's my crappy life story. Are we done here? Yes we are. Goodbye."

And with that, the caller hung up the phone.

Something in me was slightly disappointed that he left so coldly. I felt sympathy for him. No one should abandon their kids like that yet here he was trying to get back a scumbag just so he could raise his kids right.

I smiled bitterly. At least he was lucky enough to have kids.

Omg this chapter was something else. Idk if we're off to a good start but here it is!

Also, I want to give a big shoutout to LatonaGraphics for designing the best book covers ever. I literally tried for a whole week and came up with garbage so she really saved my bacon.

I mean look at these.

I mean look at these

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These are like professional covers

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These are like professional covers.

Thanks for the covers!! They are absolutely gorgeous 😊❤️

Anyway, hoped you enjoyed the chapter and of course...HAPPY READING 📖

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