Chapter 32

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Jiyeon POV

God I felt like crap.

I mean that was normal right? The last relationship I went through, I didn't really have time to feel the loss because I was so focused on staying alive, getting help, and making sure he couldn't hurt anyone again.

But then again, Taehyung and I didn't breakup. Right? I mean yeah I was avoiding his calls and Hana did sort of slam the door in his face, but I did intend to talk to him. I'm not sure about what. What did I expect? An explanation, an apology, both? I wasn't sure what I wanted to hear nor was I sure what I wanted to say.

Honestly, I wasn't sure what to feel. I had developed enough self-respect that allowed me to be upset at Taehyung. No matter what happened, whatever I witnessed hurt my feelings. And my trust was definitely fractured. But I also knew I was mature enough and in love enough to listen to Taehyung to get some sort of explanation.

I was honestly just so stressed out with life and I needed an escape. An escape that wasn't my overprotective best friend, or my possible ex-boyfriend.

Hana who had been staying with me for a bit had finally gone home which meant that I finally had the freedom to go out and do the things I needed to do to cope.

Surprisingly, this ended up bringing me to one place I never thought I'd visit.

Park Jimin's house.

I remember that when we first met after Taehyung's drunk incident, he had texted me his address in case I ever needed it for the kids or Taehyung.

But instead I was using it to find comfort in a third party. Someone who might just be able to give me an outsider opinion.

I tentatively approached his door, knocking on the massive oak doors that accompanied the massive house.

When the door opened, I was met with quite the sight. Jimin had very wet hair and was shirtless with a mere towel loosely hung around his lower half.

I choked on my nonexistent croissant.

"Oh— this is awkward. Hold on, let me go put some clothes on," Jimin hurriedly said before slamming the door in my face.

I couldn't help but laugh at the abrupt encounter. It felt good to giggle about something for once.

Jimin came back fully clothed in an all black fit. Now look, I would never see Jimin as more than a friend, but I've gotta give credit where it's due. He was extremely attractive. It was hard not to swoon at the sight of an all black Jimin with wet black hair.

He dragged me inside his extremely fancy looking house and made me sit with him on the couch.

"Do you want some tea?" He offered.

I shook my head, "No thank you, I'm okay."

He smiled softly, "So why are you here? Are you doing okay? I can only imagine how you must be feeling."

I sighed, "That's one way to put it. I'm sorry I kind of showed up uninvited. I was just kind of feeling suffocated in my own house after Hana kept me on house arrest there. And I couldn't go to Taehyung for obvious reasons. So this was the only other place I could think of."

Jimin smiled warmly, "Don't worry about it. I was thinking of going over to your place anyway to check up on you. How are you?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I think I'm officially dried out of tears but I really don't know other than that. I'm not mad at him but I'm not exactly ready to run back into his arms," I admitted.

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