Chapter 27

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Jiyeon POV

Nothing was the same after that day.

Winter had given way to Spring, though the serene feelings of new life and peace of was far from what I was experiencing.

After that day, Taehyung never pushed too hard to ask what happened, but he knew it was Woojae. Who else could've terrified me so much?

Despite the wishes of the police who were trying to track him down, I couldn't take it anymore and finally blocked his number.

The police still wanted to try and find him, so when he started sending nonstop emails, they told me to leave it be. I never responded to them, but I read each and every one of them.

He would say things about how he was 'coming to get me' to try and freak me out, which usually didn't work because I wasn't too afraid of empty threats. But what really scared me was how he knew about what I was wearing or who I was with. He'd make remarks like, 'I remember that girl. She was the one who took you from me' or 'You look sexy in that skirt, I can't wait to rip it off of you and make you scream.' But the worst were the ones talking about Taehyung and the kids like, 'Your boyfriend has some cute kids. Too bad you couldn't have them. Maybe you'd be more desirable. I'm tempted to stop by and say hi to them.'

I tried not to tell Taehyung about some of them because I didn't want him to go into a panic. Woojae was after me. They were there by association. But his eyes were only on me.

Which is why I made the executive decision to end my extended stay at Taehyung's place. I was putting three of the most important people in my life in danger, and I couldn't bear the thought. It ate away at me every night to think that the people whom I loved so much could get hurt because of me.

Taehyung had tried to convince me to stay, but I told him that I couldn't for personal reasons. I'd visit sometimes, but I needed to maintain a good distance for their safety.

Hana knew about all of this and was helping me out again, but even she agreed that going home was safer for my loved ones.

It was pretty late but Taehyung still hadn't come into bed. I understood he was frustrated so I decided to give him his space. I hated being such a burden but I had to do this.

With the beautiful spring came lots of rain. I personally loved the rain but there were two little people who weren't so fond of it.

A flash of lightning followed by a loud thunder shook the whole house as it boomed.

I was about to head to sleep when very hurried footsteps sprinted towards my door.

And in entered two frightened looking children who were searching around for their father more than me.

"Hey guys, daddy isn't in bed yet. Is everything okay? Are you scared?" I asked.

They nodded and then hugged each other tightly when another thunder boomed.

I smiled gently at them, "Come here. I won't let the thunder hurt you."

The two of them wasted no time jumping into the bed and hiding under the covers.

I chuckled, "Guys~ there's nothing to be afraid of."

"But the thunder is so angry," Kanghee sniffled.

I pulled the covers off of their head and pulled them closer to me so that their head's were resting on either side of my chest.

"It's not angry. It just has a super loud voice. It doesn't know how to speak quieter, but it's just trying to chase after the lightning because their friends," I said, hoping that my story instilled some wonder in their child minds.

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