Chapter 12

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Taehyung POV

I was affectionately watching Kanghee and Kangmin play with their toys while Jimin simultaneously ranted to me about some corrupt business deal he was offered.

I always got weird stares from people. A lot of my coworkers believed that I didn't deserve my job because I was unqualified and I only got in because of my relationship with Jimin. I mean they weren't wrong, but I did my work well so I never understood why they had such a problem.

"Taehyung, why don't you call her and invite her on a date or something?" Jimin said, pulling me out of my daze.

I choked, "W-what?!"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Don't be dense. You obviously have a thing for her."

"How the hell would I have a thing for her? We've met once!" I argued.

Jimin scoffed, "Please. Don't think I don't see you and her on the phone always. You guys have like ten hour conversations about nothing!"

"Oh don't be dramatic it's not that much!" I retorted.

"You'd be surprised," he huffed.

I groaned, "Even if I did have a small tiny interest in her, which I don't, it wouldn't work out anyway. Kangmin hates her."

Jimin snickered, "Oh? That's a first. The kid barely talks so him hating someone comes as quite a surprise."

I sighed, "He thinks I'm replacing Eunjae."

Jimin's face hardened, "Look Tae. I know you don't want to hear it, but maybe it's for the best to let her go. I know it's unfair to the kids, it always is. But you suffering in a relationship is just as toxic for them as a one parent system."

I ran my hand through my hair, "I know Jimin. I really do. But even if I get over it, what will Kangmin do? How do I tell him that mommy just isn't coming home?"

Jimin sighed, "You show him that there is someone much better than her."

I mulled over his words, trying to refocus on my work. But I couldn't help but continue to think about it. What if he was right? Prioritizing my kids was always the plan, but if I don't prioritize myself, I end up not prioritizing them too. Their happiness is indirectly affected by mine.

I had to be the mood-maker for them.

And if that meant moving on, and teaching them to move on, I'd have to do it.

Unfortunately, this thought process was stopped due to several familiar voices shouting.

Oh no.

He did not.

I looked at Jimin in pure horror.

"Moving on means starting with those closest to you. Including the friends who will always be there for you," Jimin said.

Okay but I was not ready for this. There was no heads up or anything. I was not ready to see them and I sure as hell wasn't ready to introduce them to my kids.

I wanted them to be proud of me. I wanted to prove myself to them.

Luckily, having a two-year-old comes in handy.

"Daddy!" Kanghee called.

She walked over to me, a pungent odor surrounding her.

"Oops. Looks like we need to get you changed lovebug. What a shame. Kangmin, lets go!" I shouted, scooping Kanghee up in my arms and grabbing Kangmin's arm.

Jimin shot me a pointed glare but didn't say anything. It wasn't like he could do anything. Kanghee did take a poop and it was my job as her dad to clean her. I just hoped it would be enough time to get the boys to leave.

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