Chapter 21

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Jiyeon POV

"So can you tell us a little bit of background information about your platform that has taken the country by storm?"

Yes, I had finally accepted the interview requests. So I freed up my whole Sunday to talk to anyone who wanted to interview me about the hotline.

"Well actually, this wasn't an original idea. This platform was actually started in the US. Thought I think the number isn't active anymore, but the premise of that number was that when you called it under the presumption that it was someone's number, an automated voice would come up and reject the person in a hilarious way. I sort of drew inspiration from that, but instead of a boring automated message, I thought it'd be more beneficial to reject someone live and then maybe help them see and realize what they did wrong."

"Wow that is rather admirable, especially these days. So let me ask, what's the most common scenario of calls you get?"

"Ooh that's hard. I'd probably say that it's awkward or overzealous interactions at clubs, bars, and parties. Intoxication often blurs the mind and it can lead to many people doing things that they don't intend. Sometimes you might accidentally force yourself upon a pretty someone and dance with them because you're both drunk and it's fine. But a lot of times, the other is sober enough to realize that what's happening isn't going to go anywhere. However, if another doesn't realize that, it's extremely uncomfortable. So my number provides a confrontation avoider that will hopefully derail potential harassment."

"That's truly incredible. Well Miss Rejection, our last question is rather ironic. Have you, the Mistress of Rejection, found success in the love department?"

I found myself smiling and blushing. I looked up to see Taehyung playing with the kids on his couch. They were all smiling and laughing warmly with each other.

"Actually, I have."

"Well thank you for your time Miss Rejection. You're elusive identity adds quite a bit of fun to your already noble platform. Thank you again. Have a nice day."

"Yes, thank you for the interview! Have a good day!"

I hung up the phone with an exasperated sigh and tossed it onto the table.

Last interview of the day, which meant, I could have some quality time with the Kim's.

I jumped onto the couch with the three of them and pulled Kanghee onto my lap who was happy to comply.

"You done?" Taehyung asked.

I nodded, "Thank god."

I leaned into Taehyung's arms, being extra careful not to kiss him since we still hadn't told the kids yet. Though I'm sure it wasn't that hard to figure out at this point.

"Jiyeonnie~" Kanghee mused, playing with my hair.

"Jiyeon noona~ I love you," Kangmin singsonged.

Well there goes my heart again.

I pulled both of the kids onto my lap, making sure to stick my tongue out at Taehyung.

"Sorry Tae, looks like Jiyeon triumphs yet again," I teased.

It was nice to be able to spend time with them like this. I couldn't thank my stars enough for this opportunity. There was always light at the end of the tunnel, it's just some tunnels are longer than others.

Kanghee gasped, "Oh! My! God! Look!"

She was screaming and pointing to a window where a gorgeous sight was taking place.

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